Vorzugspunkte Werbesujet

ÖBB Vorzugspunkte

Book tickets in your ÖBB Account, collect Vorzugspunkte, earn exclusive rewards.

Note: Once you have earned 100 Vorzugspunkte, you will then be awarded the next reward in the sequence. These will be visible to you under "Unlock rewards". The applicable redemption conditions shall apply.

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Got no ÖBB account yet?

It’s a piece of cake! Create an ÖBB Account now to start collecting Vorzugspunkte immediately and benefit from the numerous perks, e.g. exclusive offers for regular travellers that are only available online and on your phone with an account. And thanks to useful app features such as SimplyGo!, favourite offers, live updates and much more, every journey with an ÖBB Account becomes an advantageous journey! 

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