Infopoint counter in Graz

Infopoints at the train station

Your personal service point at the train station.

Our 7 InfoPoints at the stations Vienna Central Station, Vienna Meidling, Vienna West Station, Linz Central Station, Salzburg Central Station, Innsbruck Central Station and Graz Central Station offer you service and information on a personal level.

  • Information about train connections
  • Information about deviations and disruptions
  • Information about alternative travel options
  • Information about the station and its facilities
  • Receipt of suggestions and complaints
  • Assistance with technical facilities (e.g. lockers)
  • Assistance for passengers with limited mobility
  • Short-term organization of boarding and alighting assistance/luggage transport, if security is on site
  • Tourist information
  • Information on further travel options/public transport connections

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Locations and opening times of the ÖBB InfoPoints

Locations and opening times
Location Opening times
Vienna Central Station Daily from 06:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
In the hall, near stairs to platform 3
Vienna Meidling Daily from 07:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 07:30 p.m.
Next to the ÖBB travel center
Vienna West Daily from 07:30 a.m. to 01:45 p.m. and 02:15 pm. to 08:00 p.m. 
Hall platform level
Linz Hbf. Weekdays from 06:00 a.m. to 08:30 p.m.
Sun- and public holidays from 08:00 a.m. to 09:00 p.m.
Hall lower floor, in front of ÖBB travel center
Salzburg Hbf. Weekdays from 07:00 a.m. to 09:00 p.m.
Sun- and public holidays from 08:00 a.m. to 09:00 p.m.
In the hall, entranceon the right in front of the station
Innsbruck Hbf. Weekdays from 07:00 a.m. to 08:30 p.m.
Sun- and public holidays from 08:00 a.m. to 08:30 p.m.
Hall lower floor, next to ÖBB travel center
Graz Hbf. Daily from 06:30 a.m. to 09:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sun- and public holidays from 07:00 a.m. to 09:00 p.m.
In the hall, opposite to the ÖBB travel center

Information about your train ticket, such as price information and sales, can be obtained from the sales offices of the respective railroad company.