Man and woman in front of e-bikes

New mobility services for Korneuburg

Wide range of services that go the extra mile

The future of mobility lies not only in public transport, but in climate-friendly transport-sharing services that offer an easy, direct means of getting from A to B on a daily basis. Residents and people travelling to and from Korneuburg can now take advantage of a new, diversified mobility service in the local area. As part of the ÖBB 360° scheme, carsharing vehicles, e-scooters, pedal bikes and e-bikes are now available for door-to-door journeys to and from the railway station.

The new mobility services at a glance

  • Carsharing vehicles at 2 locations (railway station, business park)
  • E-scooter service with TIER: 40 e-scooters, around 30 parking zones, no unlocking fee and reduced tariff within Korneuburg
  • E-bikes from Green4Rent: 10 e-bikes, 4 parking zones, 1 cargo E-Bike, 3 parking zones

Public transport, carsharing and more: booking the new, alternative mobility services couldn’t be easier with the wegfinder app.