
Guide for travelling abroad with ÖBB

Valid from 11.12.2022Guide for travelling abroad with ÖBB, applicable as of 11 December 2022

to the archive: other versions

To good connections

Dear passengers,

wherever your journey may take you - we will do everything we can to ensure that you reach your destination safely and happily. In this handbook, we have summarised the most important legal principles for your trips abroad with us. In addition to this guide, you will also find the SCIC-EWT, as well as the terms of use for the Eurail and Interrail Pass, the international door-to-door luggage service and Rail Inclusive Tours.

If you buy a ticket for an ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG train or bus to a destination abroad, you enter into a contract of carriage with us. Your rights and obligations under this contract are set out in the Conditions of Carriage, Section A. of this manual.

The fare conditions in Section B. provide information about the tickets we offer, as well as the according terms of use. In Section C., “Customer groups”, you can read all about possible discounts on ticket prices.

In order to ensure that this guide is easy to read and understand, we use the terms “customer” and “employee” for both genders. When we write about “buses”, we mean our IC buses. If we mention “ÖBB” or “us” in the rates, we are always referring to ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG.

We hope you have a pleasant journey and will be happy to answer any questions you may have at our service number +43 5 1717. On the Internet, you will find information on travelling with ÖBB at

Your ÖBB

In the event of discrepancies between the German version and the English version of the Guide for travelling abroad with ÖBB, the German version shall prevail.

Revision history




General amendments to the Special International Conditions of Carriage (SCIC-NRT)


Customer group ÖBB standard ticket 1st class


Amendments to customer group Vorteilscard


Amendments to the customer group Österreichcard


Amendments to customer group Railplus


Amendments to customer group ÖAMTC


Amendments to customer group ARBÖ


Amendments to customer group ADAC


List of ÖBB Nightjet trains


List of EuroNight partners

A.Conditions of Carriage

A.1General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers (GCC-CIV/PRR)


A. purpose of the General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers (GCC-CIV/PRR) is to ensure that uniform contractual conditions are applied to international and domestic passenger traffic by rail, insofar as this is feasible and appropriate.

A. International Rail Transport Committee (CIT) drew up these GCC-CIV/PRR and recommends that its members apply them. The text of the GCC-CIV/PRR and the list of under-takings applying them are shown on the CIT websitewww.cit-rail.organd on UIC/CIT/CER website As a general rule, they may also be con-sulted at the sales points of those undertakings which provide customer advice.

A.1.2Conditions of carriage

A. GCC-CIV/PRR cover general issues concerning the contractual relationship between passengers and carriers. Conditions which derogate from the GCC-CIV/PRR (point A. below) or which only apply to particular routes, particular types of trains or particular offers are covered by the special conditions of carriage.

A. special conditions of carriage may derogate from the GCC-CIV/PRR. If the special conditions of carriage do derogate from the GCC-CIV/PRR they are to mention the paragraph and the point of the GCC-CIV/PRR from which they derogate explicitly. Any deroga-tion in the case of points A.1.10 to A.1.15 GCC-CIV/PRR, may only be in favour of the passenger, unless the Passengers’ Rights Regulation (PRR) is not applicable (in non Member States of the European Union (EU) or on exempted rail services within the EU).

A. the GCC-CIV/PRR and the special conditions of carriage become integral parts of the contract of carriage on its conclusion (point A. below).

A.1.3Statutory basis

A. carriage of passengers by rail is subject to the provisions of:

  • the Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Rail (CIV – Appendix A to COTIF), and/or
  • Regulation (EC) No 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 October 2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations (PRR), and/or
  • national law

A. carriage of passengers being the subject of a single contract of carriage includes carriage by air, road, inland waterway or sea as a supple-ment to carriage by rail, each transport mode is subject to the provisions governing that mode in so far as they are applicable or agreed on a contractual basis, without prejudice to the Articles 1 and 31 CIV.

A.1.4Contract of carriage

A. contract of carriage obliges the carrier(s) taking part in the perform-ance of the contract of carriage to carry the passenger from the place of departure to the place of destination.

A. contract of carriage is composed of:

  • the GCC-CIV/PRR,
  • the special conditions of carriage of the respective carrier(s), and
  • the information on the ticket (as per Section A. below).

In the event of a conflict between the GCC CIV/PRR and the special conditions of carriage, the latter shall take precedence over the GCC CIV/PRR. In the event of contradictions between provisions of the special conditions of carriage, the provision that is more favourable to the passenger shall apply.

A. of carriage are confirmed by tickets, either in the form of traditional paper tickets or as e-tickets. Tickets act as prima facie evidence of the conclusion and content of the contract of carriage.

A. ticket represents one contract of carriage except for the cases covered in points A. and A.

A. tickets in the traditional paper form represent several contracts of carriage. They represent a single contract of carriage only if stated in the special conditions of carriage.

A. e-tickets represent several contracts of carriage. They represent a single contract of carriage only if they are linked electronically and if stated in the special conditions of carriage.

A. it is clearly stated in the special conditions of carriage, a single ticket may represent several contracts of carriage.

A. between railway stations, for example in the same conurbation by transport modes other than rail (bus, tram, metro, taxi, bicycle), or on foot, does not form part of the contract of carriage by rail and is performed in accordance with the law applicable to the transport mode in question.

A. by another mode of transport before or after carriage by rail, or between two rail transport services, is subject to a single contract of carriage only if it is represented by one ticket, without prejudice to point 3.6, or if it is provided for in the special conditions of carriage of the carrier(s) concerned.

A.1.5Tickets and reservations

A.1.5.1In general

A. or their associations deter-mine the design of tickets and the languages and characters to be used to print and fill them out.

A. are subject to special condi-tions of carriage. The details contained in the e-ticket can be transformed into legible written symbols.

A. a rule, tickets are to indicate the carrier(s) taking part in the perform-ance of the contract of carriage, the issuer of the ticket, the route, the fare, the period of validity of the ticket, the conditions of carriage applicable and, where appropriate, the name of the passenger, the date of travel, the train number and the accommodation reserved. Issuers and carriers are generally identified by codes, a list of which is available onAs a rule, tickets are to indicate the carrier(s) taking part in the perform-ance of the contract of carriage, the issuer of the ticket, the route, the fare, the period of validity of the ticket, the conditions of carriage applicable and, where appropriate, the name of the passenger, the date of travel, the train number and the accommodation reserved. Issuers and carriers are generally identified by codes, a list of which is available on

A. special conditions of carriage specify the conditions under which reservations may be optional or compulsory.

A. special conditions of carriage specify the conditions and arrange-ments for reductions (e.g. for children, groups, etc.).


A. are sold either directly by the carrier’s sales points or indirectly by authorised sales points. Where carriers who are not taking part in the perform-ance of the contract of carriage or third parties (e.g. travel agencies) sell tick-ets, they act as agents and accept no liability resulting from the contract of carriage.

A. which are not made out in the passenger’s name are transferable if the journey has not begun. Tickets must not be sold for profit by passengers.

A. the fare can be paid for in a currency other than the national currency of the carrier or other than a currency used by the carrier, details of the currency and the rate of exchange are to be published in accordance with the carrier’s regulations.

A. for the return and exchange of tickets and refunds of fares – except in the case of train cancellations or delays (point A. below) – are deter-mined by the carriers’ special condi-tions of carriage which state any charges payable. As a rule, exchange is treated as cancellation of the original contract of carriage and conclusion of a new one. Return, exchange or refund of tickets which are illegible or dam-aged may be refused. Refunds will be made using the same method used for payment for the ticket or, if appropriate, as a voucher.

A. to the national law applicable, passengers who abuse the e-ticketing systems may not be permitted to continue to use e-ticketing systems and home printing functions.

A. or stolen tickets will neither be replaced nor refunded.

A.1.6Passengers' obligations

A.1.6.1Before the journey

A. must pay fares in advance and ensure that tickets are made out in accordance with their instructions.

A. specified otherwise in the special conditions of carriage, passengers are not entitled to any reduction in the fare once the ticket has been purchased.

A. special conditions of carriage specify if passengers must validate tickets themselves before boarding.

A. are not valid if any endorse-ments which passengers are required to make are missing, if passengers have failed to validate their tickets as required or if the tickets have been altered after issue or falsified. The special conditions of carriage specify the procedure to be adopted in these cases.

A. the electronic data or the security certificate in e-tickets is not readable, passengers have to purchase new tickets. Passengers may send these e-tickets to the issuer for resolution or refund.

A. special conditions of carriage specify if and under what conditions children may travel alone.

A. persons and persons with reduced mobility must notify their need for assistance at least 48 hours in advance. They are to comply with the instructions given by the carriers in order to benefit from the assistance provided in the carriers’ access rules. As appropriate, carriers may accept shorter notice periods.

A.1.6.2During the journey

A. must board trains before the departure time shown in the published timetable so that trains can depart on time. If passengers do not board before the departure time of the train or, where appropriate, within the time period preceding departure and shown in the special conditions of carriage, travel on the train will not be guaranteed.

A. must hold tickets valid throughout the whole journey. Passengers must show tickets to rail staff on demand and retain them until leaving the destination station. Passengers without valid tickets may have to pay a surcharge in addition to the fare itself, failing which they may be required to discontinue their journey.

A. with special tickets (e.g. made out in the passenger’s name, issued at a reduced fare, e-tickets, or tickets paid for in particular ways) must be able to prove their identity and entitlement at any time in accordance with the special conditions of carriage.

A. staff may retain tickets for audit purposes. In these cases, passengers are given replacement tickets or receipts.

A. to the special conditions of carriage, passengers may not break and resume their journeys at will.

A. entitle passengers to carriage in the class of travel indicated and to the accommodation which the passen-ger has reserved (if any). The special conditions of carriage cover cases where only a lower class of travel is offered over a section of the journey. Reserved accommodation must be claimed within fifteen minutes of departure of the train from the station from which the reservation was made or the passenger may lose his claim to the accommodation.

A. may only occupy one seat. Accommodation reserved for persons with reduced mobility or for families with children is to be given up.

A. must follow instructions given by the carriers’ staff, the station managers’ staff and the infrastructure managers’ staff. In particular, passengers must observe the regulations for the use of premises and facilities and any special conditions for accessing trains.

A. must observe all customs regulations and the regulations of other administrative authorities.

A. is not permitted in non-smoking areas, even if the other passengers have given their consent.

A. may penalise the misuse of alarm and emergency equipment in accordance with the national law applicable.

A. who present a risk to the safety of operations or other passengers, or who inconvenience other passengers in an unacceptable manner, may be excluded from carriage and will not be entitled to a refund of their fare.

A.1.7Hand luggage

A. may take hand luggage with them. The hand luggage must be easy to handle, associated with a purpose of their journey and capable of being fitted into luggage spaces. Passengers must supervise their hand luggage and label it if required by other regulations. Hand luggage must not inconvenience other passengers or rail operations, nor cause damage, for example, to other passengers, other hand luggage or rail equipment. The special conditions of carriage specify the penalties that may be applied in these cases.

A. Regulation concerning the Inter-national Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID – Appendix C to COTIF) and in particular Chapter of its annex ( apply to the carriage of dangerous goods. In general only substances and articles which are packaged for retail sale and intended for personal or domestic use or for leisure or sporting activities are permitted.

A. weapons and ammunition in trains is prohibited. The special condi-tions of carriage specify the exceptions and the procedures in those cases.

A. property is to be reported to rail staff immediately. The carrier may examine unsupervised hand luggage including its contents and remove it from the train and destroy it if the carrier or the authorities consider it necessary for the safety of operations or passengers.

A. special conditions of carriage apply to accompanied bicycles.


A. may take animals in trains only in so far as the carriers allow it. If the carriers do allow it, the special conditions of carriage apply.

A. to the law applicable, no restrictions apply to blind and disabled persons’ assistance dogs which are recognisable as such.

A.1.9Registered luggage and vehicles

A. carriers offer the carriage of regis-tered luggage and vehicles, the special conditions of carriage apply.


A.1.10.1Train cancellations and anticipated delays

A. a train is cancelled or delayed and if the experience of the carrier leads objectively to the conclusion that the destination point specified in the contract will be reached with a delay of more than 60 minutes, passengers may, in accordance with point A. below:

  • demand a refund of the fare for the journey not made or for that part of the journey not made and/or the part made but no longer serving a purpose together with carriage back to the starting point of the journey free of charge, or
  • continue their journey, using a different route if necessary, at the earliest opportunity but neverthe-less at the latest within 48 hours.

A. passengers’ tickets are also valid for the return journey and if they use them in accordance with their travel plans, only that part of the total fare which corresponds to the outward journey will be refunded.

A. to the starting point of the journey or continuation of the journey are only possible using the carriers taking part in the performance of the contract of carriage. They are to be under conditions comparable to the initial journey.

A.1.10.2Delays sustained

A. passengers do not claim under point A. above and reach the destina-tion point specified in their contract with 60 minutes or more of delay, carriers will compensate them with 25% of the fare calculated in accor-dance with point A. below. For delays of 120 minutes or more, the compensation will be 50% of the fare calculated in accordance with point A. below. Points A. and A. below still apply.

A. staff on the train which was delayed, or any other authorised staff, will provide passengers with confirmation of the delay on demand.

A.1.10.3Handling of refunds and compensation

A. basis for calculating compensation is the fare attributable to the delayed train. If the ticket does not specifically show this fare, the basis is to be the fare the passenger would have had to pay for a journey restricted to just that train. The special conditions of carriage apply to reduced and promotional fares, tickets with integrated reservation, season tickets and other types of rail pass tickets.

A. fare taken into account for paying refunds and compensation will include ancillary charges (reservations, supplements, etc.) but exclude any service fees.

A. may pay refunds and com-pensation in the form of vouchers. As a rule vouchers will only be redeemed by the issuing carrier and/or for designated services. At passengers’ request carriers will pay refunds and compensation in money in a form chosen by the carrier, e.g. by bank transfer, by credit note or in cash.

A. and refunds shall be settled within one month of being claimed from the competent body (point A. below). As a rule, amounts of less than EUR 4 are not paid out. Any transfer costs shall be borne by the carrier.

A.1.10.4Non-continuation of the journey the same day

A. to point A. below, if pas-sengers are not able to continue their journey in accordance with the contract of carriage on the same day by reason of cancellation, the late running of a train or a missed connection, or if continuation of the journey on the same day could not reasonably be required under the circumstances, the carrier will refund the reasonable costs of notifying persons awaiting those passengers and:

  • provide reasonable accommoda-tion including the transfer necessary, or
  • refund the reasonable costs of accommodation including the transfer necessary.

Carriers may offer alternative transport (bus, metro, taxi, etc.).

A.1.10.5Relief from liability for delays

A. are relieved of liability for delay sustained (point A.1.10.4 above) in so far as the delay is due to transport services:

  • which are wholly performed outside the territory of a Member State of the EU, Switzerland and Norway;
  • which are performed partly outside the territory of a Member State of the EU, Switzerland and Norway, provided that the delay occurs outside those states;
  • which are exempted from the PRR;
  • which do not form part of the contract of carriage (bus, tram, metro, taxi, bicycle between railway stations in the same conurbation);
  • which are performed by another mode of transport (air, road, inland waterways or sea); in that case each mode of transport is subject to its own rules as far as liability for delays sustained is concerned.

A. addition, carriers are relieved of liability for delay sustained (point A.1.10.2 above), if passengers were informed of possible delays before buying their tickets, or if when continuing their journeys by an alternative service or route, the delay on arrival at the destination points defined in their contracts of carriage is less than 60 minutes.

A. are relieved of liability for non-continuation of the journey the same day (point A.1.10.4 above), if the event was due to:

  • circumstances not connected with the operation of the railway which the carrier, in spite of having taken the care required in the particular circumstances of the case, could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent;
  • fault on the part of the passenger;
  • the behaviour of a third party which the carrier, in spite of having taken the care required in the particular circumstances of the case, could not avoid and the consequences of which he was unable to prevent; the infrastructure manager and other railway undertakings using the same railway infrastructure are not to be considered as third parties;
  • limitations in transport services as a result of strikes of which passengers were appropriately informed.

A.1.11Assistance in case of delays

A. the train is delayed for 60 minutes or more, carriers take all reasonable and proportionate action to assist passengers. As far as possible and having regard to the waiting time, this action will include the provision of refreshments and meals and, in accordance with point A.1.10.4 above, the provision of accommodation and the organisation of alternative means of transport. Special attention will be paid to the needs of persons with reduced mobility.

A.1.12Personal injury

A. carrier’s liability in the event of death of or personal injury to passengers shall be governed by the CIV Uniform Rules, without prejudice to applicable national law granting passengers more extensive compensation. For inland transport in non-EU Member States, liability shall be governed by the applicable national law. Subject to Article 31 CIV, the liability of maritime carriers is governed by the applicable maritime law.

A. carrier liable in accordance with Article 56 § 1 together with Article 26 § 5 CIV is to make appropriate advance payments to passengers or their dependents to cover immediate economic needs in the event of the death or injury of a passenger in an EU Member State if the transport service in question has not been exempted from the PRR. An amount of EUR 21 000 per passenger will be paid in advance in the event of death. In the event of injury, relevant and reason-able costs of up to EUR 21 000 per passenger will be paid in advance.

A. payments do not constitute acceptance of liability for the event resulting in the loss and damage and will be offset against any subsequent compensation paid. A demand may be made for the advance payment to be returned if the loss or damage was caused wilfully or negligently by the passenger or if the recipient was not entitled to receive the payment.

A. far as is compatible with the protection of their interests, carriers who decline liability will provide support for pursuing claims for compensation against third parties at passengers’ request (where appropriate forwarding documents, sight of inquiry reports, supply of papers, etc.).

A.1.13Loss and damage to property

A. carrier’s liability for hand luggage and animals in the custody of passen-gers is determined by the CIV Uniform Rules, without prejudice to applicable national law granting passengers further compensation for damages. Applicable national law applies to liability for domestic carriage in non-EU Member States. Within EU Member States, Switzerland and Norway, the limits in Article 34 CIV do not apply to liability for mobility equipment for disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility.

A.1.14Claims and complaints

A.1.14.1Claims for personal injury

A. person entitled must address claims relating to the liability of the carrier in the case of the death of, or personal injury to, passengers in writing to the carrier having performed the part of the carriage on which the accident happened, within twelve months of becoming aware of the loss or damage. If this part of the carriage was not provided by the carrier, but by a substitute carrier, then the person entitled may address his claim to that substitute carrier instead.

A. the carriage was the subject of a single contract and was performed by successive carriers, the claim may be addressed to the first carrier or the last carrier or to that carrier who has his principal place of business or the branch or office which concluded the contract of carriage in the state where the passenger is domiciled or habitually resident.

A.1.14.2Other claims and complaints

A. person entitled must address other claims and complaints in writing to the issuer of the ticket or to any carrier taking part in the performance of the contract of carriage, within 12 months of the end of the rail journey. The original ticket and any other useful document (for example, confirmation of the delay provided by the carrier) are also to be submitted.

A. to whom the claims or complaints are submitted will provide reasoned replies to passengers within one month of receiving them. If appropriate, carriers will pass claims or complaints on to the issuing undertaking, informing passengers that they have done so at the same time. Carriers to whom the claims or complaints are submitted or the issuing undertaking will then provide passengers with definitive replies within three months of receiving their claims or complaints.

A. of specialist departments, their addresses and their working lan-guages, are shown on and on They may also be obtained from the websites of undertakings which apply the GCC-CIV/PRR and as a rule from their sales points providing customer advice.


A.1.15.1Undertakings against which an action may be brought

A. action based on the liability of the carrier in the event of the death of, or personal injury to, passengers may only be brought against the carrier having performed the part of the carriage on which the accident happened. If this part of carriage was not provided by the carrier, but by a substitute carrier, then the person entitled may address his claim to that substitute carrier instead.

A. action for the recovery of a sum paid for the contract of carriage may be brought against the carrier who has collected that sum or against the carrier on whose behalf it was collected.

A. action for refund and compensation for delays and other actions made on the basis of the contract of carriage may only be brought against the first or the last carrier or the carrier having performed the part of the carriage on which the event giving rise to the proceedings occurred.

A. 56 § 3 CIV applies to claims for registered luggage and vehicles made on the basis of the contract of carriage.

A. the person entitled has a choice between several undertakings, his right to choose is extinguished as soon as he brings an action against one of them.

A.1.15.2Extinction and limitation of actions

A. period of extinction and limitations of actions provided for in Articles 58 to 60 CIV apply to all actions for dam-ages on the basis of the contract of carriage (three years for damages based on the liability of the carrier in case of death of, or personal injury to, passengers; one year for other actions arising from the contract of carriage).


A. actions based on the contract of carriage may only be brought before the courts and tribunals of the Member States of the Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF) or of the EU on whose territory the defendant has his domicile or habitual residence, his principal place of business or the branch or office which concluded the contract of carriage. Actions may not be brought before other courts or tribunals.

A. law

A. the national laws of several states are applicable, the law of the state in which the person entitled asserts his rights, including the rules relating to conflict of laws is applicable.

A.2Special Conditions of Carriage of ÖBB

A. derogation from the General Conditions of Carriage for the Carriage of Passengers (GCC-CIV/PRR), ÖBB provides for the following Special Conditions of Carriage in accordance with Section A. GCC-CIV/PRR:

A. derogation from Section A. GCC-CIV/PRR, 2nd sentence (several tick-ets document several contracts of carriage), we treat several tickets as a single contract of carriage if the following conditions are cumulatively met:

  • All tickets were purchased from ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG; and
  • The tickets were in any case purchased for successive journeys for the pur-pose of a single continuous journey (purchased in a single sales transaction or evidenced by timetable printouts, reservations, links to specific trains, pincer stamps or other stampings).

A. derogation from Section A. GCC-CIV/PRR, we can only replace ÖBB tickets in your name at the ÖBB ticket counter in the event of a loss. Unfortunately, we cannot replace other tickets, even if you have an invoice for them.

A. several tickets are considered one continuous journey as per Section A. and are therefore treated as a single contract of carriage, the compensation for delays shall, in deviation from Section A. GCC-CIV/PRR always be calculated on the basis of the carriage charge for the entire route.

A. derogation from Sections A.1.10.3 and A.1.14.2, the reimbursement and compensation process laid out in Section A.5.4 of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria applies to grievances and complaints to ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG.

A. per A., please submit your request to us in writing within 3 months of the end of the trip.

A. derogation from Section A., Austrian law applies to all transport contracts with ÖBB-Personenverkehr AG, under exclusion of the referring statutes of international private law and the UN Sales Convention. The place of performance and jurisdiction is Vienna, unless the case relates to a consumer transaction as per §1 of the Austrian Consumer Act (Konsumentenschutzgesetz).

A. offer special ladies’ couchette compartments on all night trains. Booking is possible up to 4 days prior to departure. Designated ladies’ compartments may only be used by female passengers. Children under 6 years of age can travel in the ladies’ compartment regardless of their gender. From 6 years on, only girls are al-lowed in the ladies’ compartment. The use of ladies’ compartments by male passengers is not permitted, even with the consent of the female passengers inside.

A. a passenger, you are obliged to comply with the applicable entry regulations of the respective country as well as any other legal provisions in force in the respective country for the use of means of mass transportation. This applies in particular to legislation on health protection.

A. journeys at night with the ÖBB Nightjet or the EuroNight, where the timetable is not yet fixed at the time of booking, will be marked accordingly in the timetable. You buy tickets for these train journeys by providing us with your e-mail address at the time of purchase so that we can inform you of the current timetable no later than 21 days prior to the train’s departure. If the schedule deviates from the original schedule by more than 60 minutes, you have the possibility to cancel all tickets without any fees, up to 15 days prior to the train’s departure. This also applies to tickets that otherwise cannot be cancelled. Please note that in this case, the rule applies that a ticket downloaded as PDF cannot be cancelled.

A. derogation from Section A., we will reimburse your costs if you are unable to continue and complete your journey on the same day, provided that we are responsible for your carriage as a passenger on site. The reimbursement of costs is limited to the following maximum values:

  • 80 euros per person for adequate accommodation and
  • 50 euros per person for the transfer to and from the accommodation.

A. derogation from Sections A.1.9 and A.3.16.8, the following applies to the supervision of and liability for bicycles:

  • Bicycles and bicycle trailers are hand luggage if they can be supervised by passengers themselves. Accordingly, please supervise your bicycle yourself when using this stowage option and secure it against slipping and tipping over during the journey. At the designated bicycle places you will find hooks and eyelets for this purpose, which you can also use to secure your bicycle with a lock.
  • If the bicycle or bicycle trailer is transported as hand luggage pursuant to the above paragraph, we shall only be liable for the following circumstances in the event of intent and gross negligence on the part of our employees or other third parties attributable to us:
    • Damage to the bicycle
    • Theft or loss of your bicycle
    • Personal injury caused by your bicycle
    • Dirt on other passengers’ clothing and items

If passengers are unable to supervise their bicycles and bicycle trailers themselves, e.g. in special luggage compartments in accordance with Section A. of the Guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria or when using a sleeper or couchette compartment, liability is governed by the provisions for luggage pursuant to Annex I to Regulation No. 1371/2007. As the bicycle is loaded by the passengers themselves, with the exception of carriages with special luggage compartments for bicycles, please place your bicycle in the designated area according to Section A. of the Guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria and secure it against slipping and tipping over during the journey. At the designated bicycle places you will find hooks and eyelets for this purpose, which you can also use to secure your bicycle with a lock.

A.3Special Conditions of International Carriage (SCIC) for Journeys using Non Integrated Reservation Tickets (NRT)


A.3.1.1Special conditions of international carriage (SCIC)

A. which carriers set down, individually or jointly, for certain international routes or for an international market union to supplement the general conditions of carriage GCC-CIV/PRR.

A.3.1.2Destination point

A. station, bus station or a port. Includes stops of trains, buses or vessels. Destination point may also be a specific region, a specific country or a border point.

A.3.1.3Domestic section

A. section which only involves one country.


A. Rail Transport Committee (Comité international des transports ferroviaires).

A.3.1.5Cross referencing

A. which allows documents which are marked as being a through ticket (single contract of carriage) by using electronic document numbering 1/3, 2/3, 3/3. The term “page numbering” is used in UIC leaflet 918-2).


A. held as an electronic data record capable of being transformed into legible written symbols. Several data records form a single contract of carriage when they are issued as a single (through) ticket.

A.3.1.7Einheitliche Rechtsvorschriften CITV / ER CIV

A. Rechtsvorschriften für den Vertrag über die Eisenbahnbeförderung von Personen.

A.3.1.8Supplementary ticket

A. which is issued in addition to the travel ticket(s) and which is used for change of class of travel, change of carrier, change of itinerary, supplements and boarding passes.


A. person who travels or who intends to travel using the ticket in question.


A. ticket is the proof of the contract of carriage between the contractual carrier and the passenger. The ticket can be evidenced either electronically or physically or both. It has important legal implications especially as regards the rights and obligations of passengers in the PRR regulation and international railway laws.

The ticket itself displays details of the product/products to which the passenger is entitled, including main commercial and legal terms and conditions, or the details may be referenced in another format to which the passenger can refer (e.g. an e-mail confirmation or website).

A.3.1.11General Conditions of Carriage GCC-CIV/PRR

A. Conditions of the carrier(s) prepared in the form of general terms and conditions or tariffs legally in force in each railway undertaking or shipping company and which become, by the conclusion of the contract of carriage, an integral part of it.

A.3.1.12National ticket sold abroad

A. which is issued by an issuing undertaking for domestic sectors in another country.

A.3.1.13International ticket

A. which is issued for continuous sections in at least two countries or from a border point to a destination point in another country. They may be supplemented by national tickets for connecting journeys to the departure point and from the destination point and linked to form a single (through) ticket.


A. Reservation Ticket) Tickets which are issued as international or national coupons and in which compulsory reservations for a specific train are integrated. An IRT cannot be issued to/from a frontier point.

A.3.1.15Purchase/sale via the internet online purchase/sale

A. tickets online via the internet or purchase including payment and printing of the ticket on-line via the internet.


A. added tax


A. (integrated) Reservation Ticket = Ticket without integrated reservation. Transport tickets without integrated reservation, which are issued as international or domestic tickets for journeys that do not require mandatory seat reservation.

A.3.1.18Standard Fare

A. normal price without any reduction.


A. with Reduced Mobility


A. Name Record


A. (EC) No 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations.

A.3.1.22Travel agency

A. point of sales accredited by the carrier for the sale of railway tickets to passengers.

A.3.1.23Reservation ticket

A. which holds a reservation. A reservation ticket is not a travel ticket unless it is a “ticket + reservation”.


A. concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID – App. C to COTIF)


A. Pass Ticket. E.g. Eurailpasses, Interrail passes, national passes.


A. Conditions of International Carriage.


A. Internationale Beförderungsbedingungen für Reisen in Autoreisezügen


A. international conditions of carriage for journeys using East-West-traffic Tickets


A. international conditions of carriage for tickets with integrated reservations


A. international conditions of carriage for tickets without integrated reservations.


A. international conditions of carriage for journeys using Night Trains


A. international conditions of carriage for rail pass tickets

A.3.1.33Participant ticket

A. or card document for members of a group travelling together.


A. Union of Railways (Union internationale des chemins de fer).

A.3.1.35Cross referencing

A. which allows documents which are marked as being a through ticket (single contract of carriage) by using electronic document numbering 1/3, 2/3, 3/3. The term “page numbering” is used in UIC leaflet 918-2.

A.3.1.36Choice of route

A. there is a choice of route, the journey must be made by one of the routes shown.

A.3.1.37Means of payment

A. fare may be paid by cash or by other means. Payment by other means may be by bank card or post office card (payment cards and debit cards), credit cards and charge cards (Visa, MasterCard, Eurocard, American Express, Diners). The fare may likewise be invoiced or payment made using secure internet-based payment systems.

A.3.2Statutory basis for carriage

A.3.2.1International traffic

A. is subject to

  • the “Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF)” of 1999 and its Appendix A “Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Rail (CIV)” as well as its Appendix C the “International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID)”;
  • Regulation (EC) No. 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations (PRR), including the CIV Uniform Rules, as amended by Annex I to the PRR, in so far as they are applicable in the individual countries and to the respective services,
  • to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regards to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
  • the General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers (GCC-CIV/PRR)
  • these Special International Conditions of Carriage (SCIC-NRT)
  • and the specific conditions of carriage of the individual carriers (including conditions common to several carriers (combined rates))
  • for the sea leg of a mixed rail/sea journey, the law governing the maritime carrier and the special conditions laid down by such carrier.
  • for international journeys where part or all of the journey is made by bus, Regulation (EU) No. 181/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 on the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport generally applies to carriage by bus. If these SCIC-NRT conditions contain more favourable provisions for the passenger, these shall also be applied.
    •Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

A.3.2.2Domestic traffic

A. for connections between points within only one country which were issued outside of this country and are not part of an international journey are subject to: Regulation (EC) No. 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations (PRR), including the CIV Uniform Rules, as amended by Annex I to the PRR, in so far as they are applicable in the respective country and to the respective services, subject to

  • to the “Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 1999 and its Appendix A the “Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Passengers by Rail (CIV)” as well as its Appendix C the “International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID)”;
  • in so far as it is applicable in the various countries and to the services in question, to Regulation (EC) No 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations (PRR) including the CIV Uniform Rules in the version of Annex I to the PRR,
  • to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regards to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
  • to the applicable national law
  • to the General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers (GCC-CIV/PRR) in so far as the carrier has declared he will apply them. To be found at
  • to these SCIC-NRT and the contractual carrier’s conditions of carriage for domestic traffic, supplemented as appropriate.

A. international and domestic tickets (issued by other carriers), the SCIC-NRT shall take precedence over domestic transport regulations.

A.3.3Introduction and publication of the Special Conditions of International Carriage

A. of details of the introduction, amendment or withdrawal of the Special Conditions of International Carriage is to be in accordance with the national law to which the participating carriers are subject.

A.3.4Composition of the Special Conditions of International Carriage (supplemen-tary to point 3.2. GCC-CIV/PRR)

A. Special Conditions of International Carriage consist of the SCIC-NRT together with those special conditions of carriage of the participating carriers which depend on trains or offers.

A.3.5Participating carriers

A. E.3 to these SCIC-NRT shows the list of the carriers which participate in it together with their carrier codes and their addresses. The addresses of their cus-tomer service departments are available online at: Direct links, Address book, Passenger.

A.3.6Issuing of tickets (supplementary to point A.1.5.2 GCC-CIV/PRR)


A. are issued for

  • individual passengers,
  • groups of passengers,
  • dogs holding by passengers,
  • bicycles holding by passangers.

A. a matter of principle, one ticket is issued for each individual traveller, dog or bicycle.

A. ticket may be issued to several passengers travelling together except where the carriers’ SCIC exclude that. The number of passengers has to be indicated on the ticket.

A. tickets have to mention the exact fare name. In case of a standard fare it is not necessary to mention the name.

A. passenger groups of 6 persons or more, it is possible to issue either

  • a single group ticket combined with a participant ticket for each participant except for the tour guide, or
  • a separate ticket for each participant in

the group.

We ask passengers with special needs to make these known when booking their tickets.

A. function of the carriers’ special conditions of carriage, non-integrated reservation tickets (NRT) are issued for named individuals or as impersonal tickets.

A. tickets are issued, with:

  • outward and return journeys via the same route,
  • outward and return journeys via different routes,
  • return journey from a point different from the destination point of the outward journey,
  • return journey to a point different from the departure point of the outward journey.

A.3.6.2International tickets

A. (cross-border) tickets are issued

  • For journeys operated by one carrier or successive carriers and which are valid for a route in at least two countries.
  • For journeys with one or several carriers and which are valid up to/from the border point.
  • The passenger may cover one or more parts of the international journey with another valid ticket, which will be accepted in accordance with the conditions of carriage applicable there.

A.3.6.3National tickets

A. tickets are issued for journeys between points within a single country which is not the issuing country, which do not form part of international journeys.

A.3.7Purchase of tickets

A.3.7.1Advance purchase

A. are not issued more than two months before their first day of validity. This limit may be extended to eleven months.

A.ÖBB Passus

A. exceptional cases, the advance purchase period may be reduced (for example, change of timetable or for special offers).

A. and maximum time limits for advance purchase may apply to special offers and/or certain routes.

A.3.7.2Offers which may only be sold via certain sales channels

A. conditions of carriage may apply to offers which are only available via certain sales channels.

A.3.7.3Online sales

A. sales are made via the internet and as appropriate via the carriers’ or travel agencies’ sales points

A. sold online which are issued on paper are to contain a security certificate.

A. which only consist of an electronic record may be

  • electronic data held on chips or other electronic data media held by the passenger or
  • held as a passenger name record (PNR) on paper or electronically (manifest on list).

A. is to be made online for bookings which passengers make via the internet.

A. conditions of the issuing point in question apply to online issue by the carriers’ sales points or authorised travel agencies.

A. paper and e-tickets are issued at least for one named individuals as personal tickets. This is achieved by linking the personal data in the record with the data on the card entitling the passenger to a reduction, the charge card, credit card or an official identity document with a photograph, as appropriate.

A. a minimum the passenger must supply the issuing undertaking with the following customer data:

  • Family name, first name
  • e-mail address
  • payment data (for example, type of card, account number, sort code, IBAN, BIC, etc.).

A. conditions of use and details of the offers available online are given in the special conditions of carriage of the carriers participating in them.

A. paper and e-tickets are not transferable. They are only valid in conjunction with the payment card or official photo ID provided at the time of booking for identification purposes. The passenger named therein and the holder of the identification document must be identical.

A. must be made in accordance with the procedures permitted by the issuing undertaking.

A. paper and e-tickets are issued to children travelling alone in accordance with the conditions which the carrier notified to the issuing undertaking.

A.3.7.4Return and refund (addendum to Section A. GCC-CIV/PRR)

A. paper tickets and e-tickets can only be returned and refunded via the portal or the carrier issuing the tickets.

A. return and refund of online paper tickets and e-tickets is otherwise subject to the special conditions of carriage of the respective carrier.

A.3.8Period of validity of tickets

A. tickets are valid for 2 days from the first day of validity (e.g. first day of validity 1 April, last day of validity 2 April).

A., carriers may agree on a shorter period of validity in their special conditions of carriage.

A. an exception, for carriers LG, LDZ and EVR TCDD, the period of validity of tickets is 15 days.

A. a bilateral basis tickets with a longer validity can be issued.

A. begins on the day shown on the ticket.

A. ticket’s first day of validity counts as a full day. Passengers may start their journeys on any day on which their ticket is valid at their discretion but passengers must finish their journeys on a train which is timetabled to arrive at their destination point by 24.00 hours on the last day of validity.

A. period of validity may be extended by maximum the validity period of the origi-nal ticket without charge if the ticket cannot be used within its period of validity for unavoidable reasons (illness, serious accident, etc.) The conditions of the carrier, to whom the request is made, are applicable.

A. for offers linked to specific trains are only valid on the date and in the train shown on the ticket.

A.3.9Reservation and allocation of accommodation (supplementary to point A. GCC-CIV/PRR)


A. reservation guarantees a passenger accommodation. The carriers’ special conditions of carriage lay down the conditions in which reservation is possible or, as appropriate, compulsory, and how reservation tickets are to be issued. Timetables are to indicate trains for which reservation is compulsory.

A. may only be requested eleven months before the beginning of the journey at the earliest. Accommodation is allocated in accordance with each carriers’ conditions.

A. SCIC-NT specifies the conditions for the reservation of couchettes and sleeper berths.

A.3.9.2Reservation fee

A. carrier may make a charge for each reservation. The charge may depend on the class of travel, the category of service or the sales channel. See point A.3.13.3 for the use of whole compartments.

A.3.9.3Use of the reservation

A. ticket will be issued for every reservation.

A. reservation ticket is only valid with the associated travel ticket on the days, trains, carriages and seats indicated. Carriers may insist that a travel ticket is purchased at the same time as the reservation.

A. is allocated in accordance with each carriers’ conditions. Train staff may permit passengers without reservations to travel on trains with compulsory reservation if there is accommodation available. In exceptional circumstances, train staff may allocate accommodation other than that shown on the reservation ticket.

A. accommodation is to be claimed within 15 minutes of departure from the station from which the reservation applies; if this is not done the entitlement to accommodation expires.

A. may indicate that an empty seat is occupied. Should passengers leave seats without a clear indication of occupation, they are to lose claim to them.

A.3.9.4Exchange and refund

A. principle, passengers may not exchange reservations for seats.

A. fees for seats will not be refunded.

A.3.10Use of tickets (supplementary to point A. GCC-CIV/PRR)

A.3.10.1Special charges/supplements

A. charges/supplements may apply to the use of certain trains or coaches (sleeping cars, couchette coaches, seated coaches, etc.)

A. there is a choice of route, the journey must be made by one of the routes shown. Changing during travel from one route to another route shown in the routing field is not permitted.

A. international and national tickets are only valid if they are stapled into a cover.

A. halves of return tickets become invalid after the inbound journey has started.

A. are obligated to observe the ticket validation measures specified in the respective special conditions of carriage, e.g. validation, prior to the start of the journey.

A. issued by SNCF in France and by Trenitalia in Italy must be validated before the start of the journey. After having been date-stamped, these tickets are valid on those carriers’ transport services for a maximum of 4 hours if issued by Trenitalia and for a maximum of 24 hours if issued by SNCF.

A.3.10.2Surcharge for travellers without a valid ticket

A. who cannot produce a valid ticket during ticket inspection must purchase a ticket for the route section operated by the carrier in question pursuant its conditions.

A. a passenger can purchase a through ticket for the border crossing journey, he has to pay a supplement on top of the fare. The regulations governing these scenarios are detailed in the carriers’ Special Conditions of Carriage.

A.3.11Interruption of journey (supplementary to point A. GCC-CIV/PRR)

A. principle, passengers may interrupt their journeys as often as they please without formality within the period of validity of the ticket.

A. carriers’ special conditions of carriage may provide for exceptions for certain offers.

A. period of validity is not extended to take account of interruption of journey.

A. may only resume their journeys at the point their journeys were interrupted or at a point further along the route they have not yet travelled.

A.3.12Amendment of the contract of carriage

A.3.12.1Change of route

A. general, changing the routing of international national tickets is permitted. Carriers may however prohibit changes of route in their conditions of carriage.

A.3.12.2Change to a higher class of travel or to a higher class of train

A. to a higher coach class, a higher service category or to a higher train category is generally permitted for both international and domestic tickets. An additional fee may be charged for this. Carriers may exclude a change of class or a change to a higher train category.

A. extra charge will be raised if accommodation in a higher class or category of service is allocated for reasons within the responsibility of the carrier.

A. passengers are allocated accommodation in a lower class or category of service, the train crew will certify that on the ticket, reservation ticket or on an appropriate receipt. The difference in price will be refunded in accordance with the carriers’ special conditions of carriage.

A.3.12.3Change of carrier

A. principle, where several carriers serve a section of route in parallel, change of carrier is not permitted. Individual carriers may permit change of carrier; the details are then specified in their special conditions of carriage.


A.3.13.1In general

A. carriers’ fares are based on a single journey in the classes of train, classes of travel and service categories they offer.

A. principles governing reductions from these basic fares are laid down below. If, and under what conditions, carriers offer further reductions is laid down in their special conditions of carriage.

A. are to publish details of fares in accordance with the provisions of the applicable national law.

A.3.13.2Calculation of fares

A. are calculated on the basis of the tariff valid on the day of issue of the ticket by adding together the fares for the various participating carriers’ sections. The tariff currency is euro (€).

A. fare set by the carrier will be charged for single journeys.

A. return journeys via the same route, twice the fare for the single journey will be charged, or if appropriate, a special fare set by the carrier for the complete return journey.

A. return journeys via different routes:

  • If the same carrier is used for the out- and inbound journey, the sum of the fares for the single journeys out- and inbound will be charged, provided there is no special fare for the complete return journey;
  • If different carriers are used for the out- and inbound journey, the fare for each leg will be set by the carrier in question.

A. return journeys where the inbound journey starts from a point different from the destination of the outbound journey or an inbound journey to a destination other than the departure point of the outbound journey, the sum of the single fares for each leg will be charged.

A. carriers may apply special provisions for calculating fares to national tickets; these provisions are shown in the special conditions of carriage.

A.3.13.3Particular fees

A. fees and charges (local supplements, port taxes, etc.) shown in the special conditions of carriage of the various carriers will be added to the standard fares. Reductions allowed from standard fares (including reductions for children) do not apply to additional fees and charges subject to the carriers’ special conditions of carriage providing otherwise.

A. use of a complete compartment is permitted provided tickets and a reser-vation ticket are bought for all the accommodation in the compartment. Only the actual passengers may take advantage of the reductions they may be entitled to. The standard fare is to be paid for all the other accommodation in the compartment.

A. may restrict use of this type of fees, refuse it or make it subject to special conditions.

A.3.13.4Reduction for children

A. general

A. principles for reductions for children are set down below. For children travelling alone, the lowest age limit applies.

A. the purposes of this provision, the criterion for the age of a child is its age on the day the journey has begun. The ticket held by the accompanying person is valid for the carriage of children free-of-charge.

A. under four years of age accompanied by an adult are carried free-of-charge if there is no request for separate accommodation.

A. under twelve years of age pay half the adult fare (child fare).

A. children, who are generally transported free of charge, only the fee for a seat reservation under the same conditions as for adults is payable if they will be sitting in their own seat. Exceptions to this rule are laid out in Section A. This provision furthermore does not apply to PKP, BC, RZD/FPC and UZ.

A. some countries special conditions may apply to children travelling alone.

A. limits for free travel for children

A. following carriers take along children under the age of 6 free of charge when accompanied by an adult.

  • BDZ
  • CD (valid for up to 2 children as per Section A.
  • CFL (only for 1st class)
  • CFR Calatori (issuance of a free ticket for up to 2 children as per Section A.
  • DB
  • DSB (valid for up to 2 children as per Section A.
  • HZ
  • LG (provision A. not applicable)
  • MAV-Start/GYSEV (provision A. not applicable)
  • ÖBB
  • SJ
  • SV (valid for up to 1 child as per Section A.
  • SZ
  • VR
  • VY
  • ZPCG
  • ZSSK

A. limits for non-free travel for children

A. Group

  • Below 16 years old
  • Children under the age of 4 who do not occupy a seat/bed pay € 5.50 per passage; children travelling in cabins must be accompanied by a paying adult


  • Under 18 years


  • Under 16 years
  • Applies to Great Britain and Ireland (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland) both to the rail and maritime sections. However, on the maritime links between Great Britain and the Continent age limits for children are from 4 to 14 years of age


  • Under 13 years

A. Calatori

  • Below 15 years old


  • Under 15 years


  • Under 16 years


  • Below 15 years old


  • Under 16 years
  • Applies to Great Britain and Ireland (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland) both to the rail and maritime sections. However, on the maritime links between Great Britain and the Continent age limits for children are from 4 to 14 years of age

A. Groups (Vy Tog, Sj Norge, GoAhead Nordic)

  • Below 18 years old
  • Including carriers listed in SCIC-NRT


  • Under 15 years


  • Under 20 years
  • Children between 7 and 19 years of age who start their journey until one day before their 20th birthday are entitled to a discount of 50 %.
  • Children up to the age of 6 years, up until one day before their 7th birthday, travel free of charge when accompanied by an adult.
  • Adults.


  • Under 14 years


  • Under 17 years


  • Under 14 years


  • Under 16 years

A.3.13.5Group travel

A. right to carriage as a passenger group exists only if the carrier is able to accommodate the group in the scheduled trains, ships or buses. For group trips, reservations may be mandatory.

A. group discount is granted if the reduced fare is paid for at least 6 passengers.

A. persons belonging to a group must travel together on the same trains, ships or buses on the entire route for which the reservation has been made.

A. reserve the right to withdraw the provisions of this section for specific periods of time or for certain trains, ships and buses.

A. the tickets

A. group ticket must be ordered at least 4 days before the last date for payment and the following information must be provided:

  • the name of the group;
  • the complete route, the date of departure;
  • the total number of participants and
  • the number of adults,
  • the number and age of any children;
  • the name of the group leader;

A. group journey must be paid for at the latest 3 days before departure provided the issuing undertaking has no special regulations.

A. group leader is responsible for observing the instructions given to him by the participating carriers, and for the behaviour of members of the group.

A. applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information given in the booking.


A. reductions for groups are given in the following table. The carriers’ special conditions of carriage may provide for other reductions.

A. maritime section, Patras/Ancona/Igoumenits, Bari/Igoumenitsa/Patras

  • 6 an more
  • 20% reduction


  • 6 an more
  • 35% reduction


  • 6 an more
  • 30% reduction


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 30% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 30% discount

A. Calatori

  • 6 and more passengers
  • 35% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 20% discount


  • no discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 10% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 20% discount

A. international trains requiring reservation and regional trains

  • 6 and more passengers
  • 20% discount on the IRT price

A. national trains requiring reservation and regional trains

  • 10 and more passengers
  • 10% discount on the IRT price


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 40% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 25% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 30% discount

A. (MZ)

  • 6 and more passengers
  • 30% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 20% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 30% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 25% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 20% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 30% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • IRT price


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 10% discount


  • 10 and more passengers
  • 30% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 30% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 30% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 30% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 20% discount

A. Groups (Vy Tog, SJ Norge, GoAhead Nordic)

  • 6 and more passengers
  • 20% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 35% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 30% discount


  • 6 and more passengers
  • 35% discount

A. reductions

A. as participants of a group pay half of the reduced fare for adults. The children’s age limits as per Section A.3.13.4 apply.

A. use of a compartment

A. the group requires the exclusive use of one or more compartments, the group ticket must be made out for the number of seats in the compart-ment(s).

A. and refund of group tickets

A. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

A.3.13.6Special trains, special coaches

A. is possible to charter special trains or special coaches. Conditions and charges may be requested from the carriers.

A.3.13.7RAILPLUS – Discontinuation of offer as of 10 December 2023



A. cards are issued in accordance with the SCIC of each undertaking.

A. of validity of the RAILPLUS card

A. a general rule, the RAILPLUS card is valid for one year, but up until 09 December 2023 at the latest.

A. a RAILPLUS card is issued to supplement a national entitlement card, its validity may not extend beyond the date shown on the national entitlement card.

A. national entitlement cards are valid for more than a year, carriers may use their discretion when setting the validity of RAILPLUS cards.

A. first day and last day of validity are to be shown on the RAILPLUS card. The RAILPLUS-card can be shown in a mobile app. The RAILPLUS-card should then contain logo and validity period.

A. for the RAILPLUS card

A. charges for RAILPLUS cards are set down in the SCIC of each undertaking.

A. in fares upon presentation

A. all tickets issued as off the 10th December 2017

  • of a RAILPLUS card in conjunction with a national entitlement card, the reduction which the national entitlement card allows will be given by the issuer of this card, on the sections of line over which it is valid. A reduction of at least 15% will be given by the other carriers participating for those sections of line served by all carriers taking part in the RAILPLUS offer;
  • - of a RAILPLUS card not linked to a national entitlement card, a reduction of at least 15% will be given for those sections of line served by all carriers taking part in the RAILPLUS- offer.

A. all tickets issued after 10 December 2017, the following applies: upon presentation

  • of a RAILPLUS card in conjunction with a national authorisation card, a discount as per the applicable terms will be granted on the routes on which thenational authorisation cards are valid. For the other carriers participating in the RAILPLUS offer, a fare reduction of at least 15 % will be granted;
  • of a RAILPLUS card without connection to a national authorisation card, a discount of at least 15 % is granted for the routes of all carriers participating in the RAILPLUS offer.

A. reduction will be calculated from the standard NRT-fare.

A. last day of travel with a Railplus discount is 09 December 2023.

A. reduction may be restricted to certain target groups.

A., reservation charges

A. reduction is allowed on supplements for the use of certain trains and coaches or reservation charges in accordance with the tariff.

A. of the RAILPLUS card

A. RAILPLUS card is to be shown to ticket-inspection staff on demand. Proof of identity may also be demanded (for example, identity document).


A. passenger will be regarded as being without a valid ticket if he/she is unable to show a valid RAILPLUS card.

A. national regulations of the various carriers apply to the collection of the appropriate fare in these cases.


A. principle the charge for the RAILPLUS ticket will not be refunded.

A. individual cases, participating carriers may provide for complete or partial refund (for example, death of the RAILPLUS card holder).

A. and theft

A. or stolen RAILPLUS cards will not be replaced or refunded.

A. of tickets

A. following tickets will be issued with RAILPLUS reductions:

  • International and national tickets issued in conjunction with them; tickets in connection with
  • IRT offers,
  • national reductions
  • other rail offers.

A. also applies to tickets from frontier points or tickets for domestic sections provided that the combination of tickets creates an international journey (i.e. one which crosses a frontier).

A. traveller has to prove the international journey (including RAILPLUS reduction) by showing the tickets issued in conjunction (i.e. for prerun and/or for a distance connecting) during ticket control.

A. RAILPLUS is to be shown in the reason for the reduction box on tickets.

A. of validity of tickets

A. issued on the basis of a RAILPLUS card are valid for the same period as standard tickets for international or, where appropriate, domestic traffic.

A. period of validity must not however extend beyond the validity of the RAILPLUS card.

A. of route, change of class

A. general, change of route, change of class, change to a higher service category or to a higher class of train is permitted. Carriers may however prohibit changes to class of travel or to a higher class of train.

A. each case the difference between the reduced fares will be charged.

A. carriers


  • Target group: all
  • Recognition “incoming” (passive participation in the offer)
  • Sale “outgoing” (active participation in the offer)


  • Target group: all
  • Recognition “incoming” (passive participation in the offer)
  • Sale “outgoing” (active participation in the offer)
  • Basic card: In-Karta/RAILPLUS, also in form of electronic App


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing

A. Calatri

  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • Target groups: Senior
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing
  • Basic card: BahnCard, acceptance of the electronic card in the APP


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming

A. Group

  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming on the Adria lines


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing
  • Basic card: START Klub

A. (MZ)

  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing
  • Basic card: Vorordeelurenkaart

A.ÖBB (private railways excluded)

  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing
  • Basic card: Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, acceptance of the electronic card in the APP


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing

A. Intercity

  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • No offer


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing for junior and senior
  • On the IRT price
  • Basic card: Carta d’Argento, Carta Verde


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing

A. Groups (Vy Tog, SJ Norge, GoAhead Nordic)

  • Target groups: Junior, Senior
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming


  • Target groups: all
  • Passive recognition in incoming
  • Active recognition in sales outgoing as per SCIC-EWT

A.3.14Exchange and refund (supplementary to point A. GCC-CIV/PRR)

A.3.14.1Return of tickets

A. return can only be made at the issuing point and within the period set by the carrier.

A. return conditions may apply to special offers.


A. may only be made within the period laid down by the carrier. Special regulations for exchange may apply to special offers.

A. appropriate, a difference in fares may be refunded or charged to the passenger.


A. price of a ticket (transport pass) will be refunded in whole or in part if the ticket has not been used or has only been used in part. Non-use or partial non-use must be confirmed on the ticket prior to the 1st day of validity or the departure of the train (if the respective special conditions of carriage so require). If the tickets do not bear a note of full or partial non-use, the request for reimbursement must be accompanied by supporting documents (medical certificates, new tickets purchased instead of unused ones, etc.). The special conditions of carriage of the carriers involved may exclude the reimbursement of certain offers or surcharges for seats, beds and couchettes or make them subject to special conditions.

A. and processing of claims for reimbursement: The provisions of GCC-CIV/PRR shall apply. Claims for reimbursement must be submitted to the issuing company no later than 3 months after the expiration date of the tickets, together with the original tickets.

A. requests themselves will be dealt with, in principle by the issuing undertaking, within a maximum period of three months after receiving the application and all the supporting documents from the passenger.

A. fee: fixed or variable amount may be withheld from the amount to be refunded. The amount of this fee will be set by the refunding carrier.

A.3.15Special conditions for hand luggage (supplementary to A. GCC-CIV/PRR)

A. a rule, each passenger is allowed to take no more than three light items as hand luggage. It is the passenger’s responsibility to check the maximum dimensions for hand luggage in the Special Conditions of Carriage of the carriers involved.

A. items (skis, surfboards, musical instruments, prams, etc.) are only permitted if suitable stowage facilities are available on the train. If necessary, they must be dismantled, folded or packed.

A. regard to the carriage of dangerous goods, the provisions of the RID must be observed.

A.3.16Bicycles carried by the traveller (supplementary to point A. GCC-CIV/PRR)

A.3.16.1In general

A. carriers permit bicycles carried by the traveller, the conditions below apply.

A. carriers’ timetable documentation specifies the trains in which it is possible to take bicycles and if a reservation is required. If bicycle racks are available, in principle bicycles may be taken. Bicycle racks are shown by pictograms on coaches, and, when available, by indica-tors on the platform. In principle, reservations are compulsory for bicycles carried by the traveller. A reservation counterfoil is no longer required for the bicycle rack. By exception, accompanied bicycles may be accepted without a reservation if there is appropriate capacity available over the whole of the intended journey and the train crew permits it.

A.3.16.2Taking a bicycle along

A. of a bicycle is conditional upon the passenger having purchased an international bicycle pass. Another prerequisite is that the passenger must have a ticket for the same route and the same train on the same day of travel.

A.3.16.3Conditions for taking a bicycle along

A. following types of bicycles may be taken:

  • commercially available bicycles (including those with auxiliary electric motors, the battery must remain and not to charged)
  • bicycle trailers for children or goods
  • two-seat tandems, recumbent bicycles, tricycles and other special types of bicycle

A. international bicycle tickets may be required to take special types of bicycles.

A. or allocation of one (or two, depending on the type of bicycle) spaces is necessary.

A. space is adequate for:

  • a commercially available bicycle, or
  • a two-seat tandem, or
  • a recumbent bicycle

A. spaces are necessary for:

  • a commercially available bicycle with a trailer, or
  • a tricycle.

A. spaces in accordance with the carrier’s arrangements may be necessary to accommodate special types of bicycles.

A. may refuse to carry certain types of bicycles.

A. appropriate, only folded bicycles may be permitted.


A. must load and unload the bicycle themselves. That applies to the de-parture and destination stations and to any station at which a change is necessary.

A. attached to bicycles is to be removed from the bicycle, at the latest before the bicycle is secured in the bicycle rack or left in the space provided for bicycles.

A.3.16.5Provisions of customs law

A. provisions of customs law apply to the international journey in question, the name and address of the passenger are to be written on the international bicycle ticket for customs purposes.

A.3.16.6Carriage charges

A. charge for reserving or allocating spaces for bicycles may be included in the charge for the international bicycle ticket. It is independent of the number of re-served/allocated spaces. The charge is set by the issuing undertaking.

A. international bicycle tickets may be required to take special types of bicycle.

A. reduction is given for children’s bicycles or for bicycles taken by groups.


A. or partially unused international bicycle tickets can be refunded prior to the first day of validity.

A.3.16.8Liability for bicycles carried by the traveller

A. are only liable for accompanied bicycles in accordance with their li-ability for hand luggage (Article 33 – 35 CIV).

A. must therefore to secure their bicycles to prevent damage and theft and if appropriate insure them.

A. carrier accepts no liability for luggage which passengers leave on the bicycle. This also applies to accessories not permanently attached to the bicycle, such as water bottles, pumps, speedometers, computers, etc.

A.3.16.9Participating carriers, remarks


  • The use of an international ticket is governed by a contractual basis.


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket
  • Excluded bicycle types: Tandem, multi-seater bicycle


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket
  • Excluded bicycle types: S-Pedelec, cargo bicycles, non-collapsed trailers for children, and packed bicycles are not allowed in the DB-ÖBB transport cooperation via Brennero/Brenner (e.g. EC 81-89)
  • For long-distance trains, reservations are mandatory


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket
  • Excluded bicycle types: non-collapsed trailers for children


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket
  • Excluded bicycle types: Recumbent bicycles, luggage trailers, electric or motor-assisted bicycles.


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket
  • Excluded bicycle types: Bicycles with an internal combustion engine, bicycle trailers
  • Cargo bicycles


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket
  • Maximum dimensions: length 185 cm, height 110 cm, width 60 cm, wheel diameter 74 cm, wheel width 4,2 cm, maximum weight 30 kg
  • Excluded bicycle types: packed bicycles are not allowed in the DB-ÖBB transport cooperation via Brennero/Brenner (e.g. EC 81-89)


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket
  • Excluded bicycle types: Tandem, S-Pedelec


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket
  • The international bicycle ticket can also be used for all Swiss private railways affiliated with NRT.


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket
  • Reservation mandatory on the Brussels – Basle SBB route. Regional / domestic trains only if free capacity is available


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket
  • Only on train 270/271, reservation required. In domestic service only if there are free places.


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket
  • Excluded bicycle types: Tandem
  • Only for cross-border journeys and journeys within France on TGV trains operated by the German-French high-speed transport carrier on the routes Munich - Augsburg - Ulm - Stuttgart - Karlsruhe - Strasbourg - Paris.


  • Active participation in the offer by selling the international bicycle ticket
  • Passive participation in the offer by recognising the international bicycle ticket

A.3.17Taking dogs and small pets


A. may take pets which are small and not dangerous and can be taken in containers as hand luggage. The containers must be so constructed that they cannot injury or damage people or property.

A. addition, passengers may take dogs which are not in containers as hand luggage or which cannot be put in containers provided they are on a lead and fitted with a suitable muzzle.

A. other animals or animals with infectious diseases can be carried. Ani-mals, with the exception of assistance dogs, may not be taken into coaches with catering installations. In addition, assistance dogs are excluded from the obligation to be muzzled. “Assistance dog” means a dog that has been or is being trained as a guide dog, hearing dog or service dog.

A. transport Austria - Italy v.v., the bilateral regulations according to the “Guide for travelling abroad with ÖBB” apply.

A.3.17.2Carriage charges

A. animals covered by point A. and assistance dogs will be carried free of charge. For assistance dogs, free tickets are issued.

A. ticket at half the standard second class adult fare will be issued to dogs covered by point A., no matter which class or category of service is being used. Special supplements will not be charged. Whether further reductions are allowed is covered in the conditions of carriage for special offers.

A. will not be reserved for animals.

A. accordance with the respective conditions of carriage, the transport of animals may be excluded in certain comfort categories or carriages.

A.3.17.3 Besondere Bedingungen für die Mitnahme von Hunden und kleinen Tieren


  • One dog per person is allowed to be taken along in a container. On Alfa Pendular (AP) and Intercity (IC) trains, dogs must pay the full fare according to the class.


  • One dog per person is allowed to be taken along.


  • Dogs are not allowed in 1st class or in Hungarian couchette and sleeper cars.

A. Groups (Vy Tog, SJ Norge, GoAhead Nordic)

  • With the exception of assistance dogs, animals may not be taken along.

A. and ZSKK

  • Small animals and dogs may only be taken along in 2nd class.
  • Small animals and dogs cannot be taken along in sleeper cars.

A.3.18Special conditions for persons with reduced mobility (supplementary to point A. GCC-CIV/PRR)

A.3.18.1Blind persons and assistance dogs (supplementary to point A. GCC-CIV/PRR)


A. entitled are blind people who are holders of a national blind person’s registration card (or an appropriate official document), together with an accompanying person (or an assistance dog, provided it is accepted on the journey in question).

A. blind child under 4 years of age holding a child ticket is entitled to an accompanying person free of charge.

A. concessions

A. blind person pays the standard fare, or, as appropriate a reduced NRT fare if the provisions of the tariff provide for that or if he/she has a special entitlement to one.

A. person or assistance dog accompanying the blind person is carried free of charge. Where appropriate, the reservation fee is due.


A. reduction is allowed on supplements for the use of certain coaches and trains.

A. of tickets

A. international and national tickets issued abroad, one-way and round-trip tickets are issued. These are provided exclusively

  • by a sales office in the country where the blind person’s ID card was issued
  • or from or to a train station or border exit point in that country.

A. issuing railway has discretion on whether to issue one-way or return national tickets for connecting journeys.

A. reason for the 100% reduction will be shown on the tickets of the attendant person or dog as:

  • “attendant” or “assistance dog” or similar
  • “assistant” or “chien d’aveugle” (French) or similar
  • “Blindenführer” or “Blindenhund” (German) or similar
  • where appropriate translated into the national language

A. of tickets

A. blind person and the person or assistance dog accompanying him/her must have a ticket and travel with the blind person in the same class of trav-el.

A. blind person must carry his/her blind person’s registration card (or the appropriate official document) and be in a position to identify himself/herself.

A. accompanying person travelling alone will be considered as a passenger without a valid ticket.

A. carriers

A. zu den beteiligten Beförderern finden Sie im Anhang E.2.





A. Calatori




Only fully trained assistance dogs are accepted.




Only fully trained assistance dogs are accepted.

A. (MZ)



A. Intercity











Only fully trained assistance dogs are accepted.

A.3.18.2Wheelchair users


A. entitled are wheelchair users who are holders of a national disabled persons registration card (or an appropriate official document), together with an accompanying person.

A. handicapped child under 4 years of age holding a child ticket is entitled to an accompanying person free of charge.

A. in special pushchairs also fall within the meaning of wheelchair us-ers.

A. concessions

A. wheelchair user pays the standard fare, or, as appropriate a reduced NRT fare if he/she has an entitlement to one.

A. person accompanying the wheelchair user is carried free of charge. Where appropriate, the reservation fee is due.


A. reduction is allowed on supplements for the use of certain coaches and trains.

A. of tickets

A. one-way or return tickets will be issued. They must be issued by

  • a sales point in the country in which the disabled persons registration card was issued and
  • from/to a station within or a frontier exit point of that country.

A. issuing railway has discretion on whether to issue one-way or return national tickets for connecting journeys.

A. reason for the 100% reduction will be shown on the tickets of the attendant person as:

  • “attendant handicapped” or similar
  • “accompagnant handicapé” (French) or similar
  • “Begleitung Rollstuhlfahrer” (German) or similar
  • where appropriate translated into the national language

A. of tickets

A. wheelchair user and the person accompanying him/her must have a ticket and they have to travel together in the same class of travel.

A. wheelchair user must carry his/her disabled persons registration card (or the appropriate official document), the number of which is to be entered on the accompanying person’s ticket. The wheelchair user must also be in a position to identify himself/herself.

A. accompanying person travelling alone will be considered as a passenger without a valid ticket.

A. the journey is started, the issuing railway must check that boarding and disembarking or informal “getting on and off” are possible at the departure station, at stations at which a change is to be made and at the destination station at the times given by the passenger and if any assistance required is available.

A. carriers


If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.


If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.


If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.


If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.


If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.



If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.


If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.


If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.


If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.


If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.


If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.


If the carrier can accommodate a wheelchair user only in 1st class, it is permissible to use it with a 2nd class ticket.

A.3.18.3Other PRM


A. addition to A.3.18.1 and A.3.18.2, all disabled travellers, which hold a nationally issued PRM-reduction card, are entitled to an accompanying person or assistance dog.

A. tickets can only be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

A. carriers











A.3.18.4Assistance for PRM

A. GCC-CIV/PRR applies unchanged.

A.3.19Registered luggage (supplementary to point A.1.7 GCC-CIV/PRR)

A. conditions for the carriage of accompanied registered luggage are pub-lished in the special conditions of carriage of the carriers which offer the service.

A.3.20Cancellation of trains and anticipated delays (supplementary to points A.1.10 und A.1.11 GCC-CIV/PRR)

A. A.1.14.2 GCC-CIV/PRR covers the entitlement of passengers to refunds, compensation and assistance in the event of train cancellation or delay in accordance with Articles 15-18 PRR.

A. for delay for holders of Rail Pass tickets is covered in the SCIC RPT.

A.5Special Conditions of Carriage for motor vehicles

A.5.1Cars on passenger trains

A.5.1.1Which vehicles we transport

A. trains with vehicle transport, we transport the following vehicles:

  • Passenger cars, including with trailers
  • Motorcycles, scooters, motorcycle combinations
  • Trikes, quads and microcars

A. vehicle must be registered for public roads in accordance with road traffic regulations and be in a roadworthy condition.

A. least one adult with a valid driving licence must accompany your vehicle on the same train as the driver.

A.5.1.2Vehicle dimensions

A. transport vehicles with the following dimensions:

  • maximum height of 196 cm – including superstructures such as roof racks, antennas and ski racks including skis.
  • maximum height of 167 cm from and to Italy – including superstructures such as roof racks, antennas and ski racks including skis.
  • Ground clearance of at least 10 cm
  • Maximum total width of 205 cm, with folded side mirrors
  • Maximum total track width, i.e. measured from the outside of the tyres, of 200 cm
  • Maximum total vehicle length of 530 cm
  • Maximum nine car seats including the driver
  • Maximum trailer length including coupling of 500 cm
  • Maximum roof width of 155 cm

A. are only transported together with passenger cars.

A. the booking process, please state the actual vehicle dimensions, including any superstructures and attachments, as well as the registration number. As soon as you receive the transport documents, please check that they are correct, especially the vehicle dimensions. If your vehicles exceed these dimensions, we will unfortunately not be able to transport them.

A. may refuse to transport your vehicle, even if it has permissible vehicle dimensions, if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that it could be damaged during transport due to the design of the vehicle. In this case we will refund the fare for the vehicle without any further deductions. This does not give rise to any further claims.

A.5.1.3Loading and unloading

A. a passenger, please ensure that your vehicle is available at the loading point specified by us during the loading time stated on the reservation. Please bring motorcycles, vehicles with a height of more than 158 cm, as well as vehicles with non-metallic roofs to the place of loading right at the beginning of the loading time. Unfortunately, we will not be able to load your vehicle at a later point in time.

A. to loading the vehicles, please show the ticket for yourself and your vehicle to the loading personnel.

A. staff on site will assign you a parking space for your vehicle.

A. help to prevent damage to your vehicle during transport. Prior to loading, please ensure in particular the following for transport:

  • Sunroof locked
  • Roof constructions for convertibles and off-road vehicles with non-metallic covers secured
  • Luggage attached to the vehicle secured and firmly lashed down
  • Vehicles with fabric roof and without side window protected with tarpaulin
  • No car cover over the vehicle
  • Closed ventilation flaps, ventilation setting: “Circulating air”
  • Retracted, folded, tethered or dismounted antenna
  • Vehicle lights switched off
  • Blinking and warning lights switched off
  • Exterior mirrors folded in
  • Sufficient antifreeze in the cooling system
  • Shut-off valves for fuel lines closed
  • Fuel lines and fuel tanks tight and properly closed
  • Electrical cables in proper condition
  • Spare canisters stowed inside the vehicle only
  • Spare canisters are not permitted for motorcycles
  • Do not leave motorcycle helmets on the motorcycle

A. parts and attachments of your vehicle must be protected against loss or damage. If this is not possible, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your vehicle.

A. may use roof racks if

  • these are standard, permanently mounted roof boxes,
  • bicycle racks or ski racks, but not magnetic ski racks, and
  • the maximum loading height is observed.

A. stowed away inside the vehicles can be transported on a motorail train without restrictions. You can also take along bicycles which

  • are standing on a “Bike-Bar” bicycle carrier on the trailer coupling,
  • are secured on both wheels and
  • do not exceed the permissible loading height.

A. remove all loose objects from vehicles with passenger compartments that cannot be locked.

A. are not allowed to remain in the loaded vehicles.

A. your vehicle does not comply with the provisions of Section A.5.1.2, you are not entitled to carriage of your vehicle and we can terminate the contract of carriage with you for good cause. In this case, the refund policy of your respective tickets will apply.

A. the journey, nobody is allowed to be in the vehicle or to go to the vehicle.

A. regard to vehicles on railway facilities, it is forbidden to:

  • Remove or fill fuel
  • Smoke or use open flames in or near the vehicles

A. loading and unloading of the vehicle is your responsibility. Important for this:

A. the signalling systems and instructions of the railway personnel.

A. move your vehicle at walking speed only.

A. if the loading staff helps you by “signalling”, we assume no liability for damages of any kind. Our staff will also be happy to assist you with loading and unloading if you, as the driver, sign a “release from liability”. Passengers with disabilities do not need to sign this declaration.

A. loading and unloading, only the driver is allowed to be in the vehicle. If you are loading a motorcycle, a helmet with closed visor must be worn.

A. you have loaded your vehicle, please note the following:

  • Remove the ignition key
  • Apply the parking brake and the handbrake
  • If your car has an automatic transmission, move the gear lever to the parking position
  • Switch off alarm systems
  • Lock all windows and doors

A. vehicle is then deemed to have been handed over to us and will be secured by our staff.

A. arrival, the vehicles are released by the loading personnel.

A. to unloading your vehicle, please check if it has been damaged.

A. report any visible transport damage to the loading personnel immediately before unloading. For this, please fill in the “Statement of facts” form. Please report any transport damage that is not immediately apparent to customer service at +43-5-1717 as soon as you notice it, but no later than 14 days after unloading. We accept no liability for damage reported at a later point in time.

A. vehicle is deemed to have been handed over to the driver when the wheel chocks and lashing straps have been removed and the lane has been cleared.

B.Ticket offer

B.1Terms of use for tickets

B.1.1Standard ticket

B.1.1.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. one-way ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. a total travel distance of up to 100 kilometres, one-way and round-trip tickets are valid for one day.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. buy this ticket offer for routes in Germany that are operated by Deutsche Bahn (DB). You also buy this ticket offer for routes which are operated by non-state-owned railways in tariff cooperation with DB.

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB buses within Austria.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all Deutsche Bahn trains in Germany.

B. your bicycle, you will need a reservation when travelling on long-distance trains. Without a reservation, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your bicycle. On our buses, we cannot transport bicycles at all.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups, Bahncard, Railplus and cruise transfer.

B.1.1.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. one-way ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. on their type, commutation tickets are valid for either one week or one month from the first day of validity. The period of validity is indicated on the ticket. Within the period of validity, you can use this ticket as often as you like.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket for routes and stations abroad from Meridian and BOB in Germany:

  • all stations on the route between Munich Central Station – Rosenheim – Salzburg Central Station (Deutsche Bahn timetable 951)
  • all stations on the route between Munich Central Station – Rosenheim – Kufstein (Deutsche Bahn timetable 950)
  • all stations on the route between Munich Central Station – Holzkirchen – Bayerisch Zell (Deutsche Bahn timetable 955)
  • all stations on the route between Munich Central Station – Holzkirchen – Lenggries (Deutsche Bahn timetable 956)
  • all stations on the route between Munich Central Station – Holzkirchen – Tegernsee (Deutsche Bahn timetable 957)
  • all stations on the route between Holzkirchen – Rosenheim (Deutsche Bahn timetable 958)

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route with Meridian and BOB trains, if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route with Meridian and BOB trains which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB buses within Austria.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all Meridian and BOB trains in Germany.

B. your bicycle, you will need a reservation when travelling on long-distance trains. Without a reservation, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your bicycle. On our buses, we cannot transport bicycles at all.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. tickets for passengers are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups, Bahncard and Railplus.

B.1.1.3For trips to Switzerland using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. one-way ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for routes operated by the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and its cooperating cantonal and private railways.

B. buy a ticket between a Swiss border station and a railway station in Switzerland only as part of an international trip. The following offers constitute proof of pre- or post-carriage from and to foreign countries:

  • Ticket to and from the Swiss border
  • Pass offer to and from the Swiss border

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB buses within Austria.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all trains operated by the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and its cooperating cantonal and private railways in Switzerland.

B. your bicycle, you will need a reservation when travelling on long-distance trains. Without a reservation, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your bicycle. On our buses, we cannot transport bicycles at all.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups and Railplus.

B.1.1.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. One-way ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. on their type, commutation tickets are valid for either one week or one month from the first day of validity. The period of validity is indicated on the ticket. Within the period of validity, you can use this ticket as often as you like. Commutation tickets are available for regional trains operated by CD.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for CD routes in the Czech Republic.

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB buses within Austria.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all CD trains in the Czech Republic. Tickets for regional CD trains are only valid in the Os and Sp train categories.

B. your bicycle, you will need a reservation when travelling on long-distance trains. Without a reservation, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your bicycle. On our buses, we cannot transport bicycles at all.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. tickets for passengers as well as single tickets and commutation tickets for your bicycle and dog can be purchased individually.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups and Railplus.

B.1.1.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. One-way ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. on their type, commutation tickets are valid for either one week or one month from the first day of validity. The period of validity is indicated on the ticket. Within the period of validity, you can use this ticket as often as you like. Commutation tickets are available for regional trains operated by MAV and GYSEV.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for MAV and GYSEV routes in Hungary.

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB IC buses within Austria.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all MAV and GYSEV trains in Hungary. Tickets for regional trains operated by MAV and GYSE are only valid in the train categories R (including without a category designation) and ER.

B. your bicycle, you will need a reservation when travelling on long-distance trains. Without a reservation, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your bicycle. On our buses, we cannot transport bicycles at all.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. tickets for passengers as well as single tickets and commutation tickets for your bicycle and dog can be purchased individually.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups and Railplus.

B.1.1.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. One-way ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. on their type, commutation tickets are valid for either one week or one month from the first day of validity. The period of validity is indicated on the ticket. Within the period of validity, you can use this ticket as often as you like. Commutation tickets are available for 2nd class.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for ZSSK routes in Slovakia.

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB IC buses within Austria.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all ZSSK trains in Slovakia.

B. your bicycle, you will need a reservation when travelling on long-distance trains. Without a reservation, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your bicycle. On our buses, we cannot transport bicycles at all.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. tickets for passengers as well as single tickets and commutation tickets for your bicycle and dog can be purchased individually.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups and Railplus.

B.1.1.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. one-way ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. on their type, commutation tickets are valid for either one week or one month from the first day of validity. The period of validity is indicated on the ticket. Within the period of validity, you can use this ticket as often as you like. Commutation tickets are available for 2nd class.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for SZ routes in Slovenia.

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB IC buses within Austria.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all SZ trains in Slovenia.

B. your bicycle, you will need a reservation when travelling on long-distance trains. Without a reservation, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your bicycle. On our buses, we cannot transport bicycles at all.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. tickets for passengers as well as single tickets and commutation tickets for your bicycle and dog can be purchased individually.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups and Railplus.

B.1.1.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. one-way ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for routes from Tarvisio Boscoverde to the following train stations in Italy:

  • Udine
  • Pordenone
  • Treviso Centrale
  • Venezia Mestre
  • Venezia Santa Lucia

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route in Austria if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route in Austria which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB buses within Austria.

B. this ticket, you can travel on ÖBB trains between Tarvisio and Venezia Santa Lucia.

B. your bicycle, you will need a reservation when travelling on long-distance trains. Without a reservation, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your bicycle. On our buses, we cannot transport bicycles at all.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups, Railplus and cruise transfer.

B.1.1.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. 2nd class ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. on their type, commutation tickets are valid for either one week or one month from the first day of validity. The period of validity is indicated on the ticket. Within the period of validity, you can use this ticket as often as you like. Commutation tickets are available for 2nd class.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for routes from Tarvisio Boscoverde to the following train stations in Italy:

  • Ugovizza
  • Pontebba
  • Carnia
  • Venzone
  • Gemona del Friuli
  • Udine
  • Palmanova
  • Cervignano-Aquilea-Grado
  • Trieste Airport
  • Monfalcone
  • Trieste Centrale

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket you travel in the Micotra regional express to Udine via Tarvisio Boscoverde and on some days to Trieste Centrale.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 2nd class.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. tickets for passengers as well as single tickets and commutation tickets for your bicycle and dog can be purchased individually.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets
  • From our employees on the Micotra regional express train between Villach Central Station and Udine.

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups and Railplus.

B.1.1.10For trips to South Tyrol using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. one-way ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for the following routes in South Tyrol (Italy):

  • all train stations on the route between Brennero/Brenner – Bolzano/Bozen – Mezzocorona (timetable 100 of the South Tyrol Transport Association)
  • all train stations on the route between Bolzano/Bozen – Merano/Meran (timetable 200 of the South Tyrol Transport Association)
  • all train stations on the route between Merano/Meran – Mals (timetable 250 of the South Tyrol Transport Association)
  • all train stations on the route between San Candido/Innichen – Fortezza/Franzensfeste (timetable 400 of the South Tyrol Transport Association)

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB buses within Austria.

B. single tickets for passengers, you can travel on the regional trains in South Tyrol.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle and groups.

B.1.1.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. ticket offer is valid for the Railjet Xpress of the ÖBB and for Eurocity trains of the ÖBB DB Brenner transport cooperation to Venezia Santa Lucia and Bologna Centrale via Brenner to the following train stations in Italy:

  • Brenner
  • Sterzing
  • Franzensfeste
  • Brixen
  • Bozen
  • Trento
  • Rovereto
  • Verona Porta Nuova
  • Bologna Centrale
  • Rimini
  • Vicenza
  • Padova
  • Venezia Mestre
  • Venezia Santa Lucia

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route on our trains if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route with our trains which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB buses within Austria.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all Railjet Xpress of the ÖBB and Eurocity trains of the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation.

B. your bicycle, you will need a reservation when travelling on long-distance trains. Without a reservation, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your bicycle. On our buses, we cannot transport bicycles at all.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups, Railplus and cruise transfer.

B.1.1.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. one-way ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Chemin de Fer Luxembourgeois (CFL) in Luxembourg.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Nationale Maatschappij van de Belgische Spoorwegen/Société Nationale de Chemins de Fer Belge (NMBS/SNCB) in Belgium.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Nederlands Spoorwegen (NS) in the Netherlands.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Danske Statsbaner (DSB) in Denmark.

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB buses within Austria.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all CFL, NMBS/SNCB, NS and DSB trains.

B. your bicycle, you will need a reservation when travelling on long-distance trains. Without a reservation, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your bicycle. On our buses, we cannot transport bicycles at all.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups and Railplus.

B.1.1.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania using standard tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. one-way ticket is valid for 2 days.

B. which areas can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Polskie Koleje Państwowe (PKP) and Przewozy Regionalne in Poland.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Srbija Voz (SV) in Serbia.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Hrvatske Željeznice (HZ) in Croatia.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Căile Ferate Române Călători (CFR) in Romania.

B. is this ticket valid?

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. can also take a different route if it is less expensive. However, you will not be refunded for the difference to the more expensive route.

B. you take a different route which is more expensive, you will need to pay the difference to the original ticket.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all of our long-distance and local trains as well as on ÖBB buses within Austria.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all PKP, SV, HZ and CFR trains.

B. your bicycle, you will need a reservation when travelling on long-distance trains. Without a reservation, we will unfortunately not be able to transport your bicycle. On our buses, we cannot transport bicycles at all.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change from 2nd to 1st class, you need to pay the difference between the two classes for the requested route.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. single ticket allows up to 99 passengers to travel together.

B. purchasing this ticket via, a maximum of 6 passengers can travel together.

B. you buy this ticket for 24 or more passengers, you will need a reservation. For this, the provisions of Section B.2.1 apply.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, your tickets can no longer be refunded.

B. you are travelling together with six or more persons per individual ticket, a refund is only possible up until 3 days prior to the departure of the train.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. tickets for passengers, dogs and bicycles are available at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups and Railplus.

B.1.1.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad using standard tickets

B. is no offer for this.


B.1.2.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn using Sparschiene

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains booked. Both are indicated on the ticket.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. tickets are personal tickets, regardless of how you receive them. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for routes operated by the state-owned (Deutsche Bahn, DB) and non-state-owned railways in tariff cooperation with DB.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for trains operated by the state-owned (Deutsche Bahn, DB) and non-state-owned railways in tariff cooperation with DB.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. cannot have this ticket refunded prior to the first day of validity.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.2.2For trips to Switzerland using Sparschiene

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains booked. Both are indicated on the ticket.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. tickets are personal tickets, regardless of how you receive them. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for all routes operated by the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and its cooperating cantonal and private railways.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for trains operated by the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and its cooperating cantonal and private railways.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. cannot have this ticket refunded prior to the first day of validity.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.2.3For trips to the Czech Republic with CD using Sparschiene

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains booked. Both are indicated on the ticket.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. tickets are personal tickets, regardless of how you receive them. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for all routes operated by CD in the Czech Republic.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for trains operated by CD in the Czech Republic.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. cannot have this ticket refunded prior to the first day of validity.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.2.4For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV using Sparschiene

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains booked. Both are indicated on the ticket.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. tickets are personal tickets, regardless of how you receive them. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for all routes operated by MAV and GYSEV in Hungary.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for trains operated by MAV and GYSEV in Hungary.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. cannot have this ticket refunded prior to the first day of validity.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.2.5For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK using Sparschiene

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains booked. Both are indicated on the ticket.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. tickets are personal tickets, regardless of how you receive them. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for all routes operated by ZSSK in Slovakia.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for trains operated by ZSSK in Slovakia.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. cannot have this ticket refunded prior to the first day of validity.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.2.6For trips to Slovenia with SZ using Sparschiene

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains booked. Both are indicated on the ticket.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. tickets are personal tickets, regardless of how you receive them. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for all routes operated by SZ in Slovenia.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for trains operated by SZ in Slovenia.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. cannot have this ticket refunded prior to the first day of validity.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.2.7For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio using Sparschiene

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train or IC bus.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance trains, our IC buses and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains booked. Both are indicated on the ticket.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connection due to a delayed train, you take the next possible ÖBB train or IC bus to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. tickets are personal tickets, regardless of how you receive them. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for routes from Tarvisio Boscoverde to the following train stations in Italy:

  • Udine
  • Pordenone
  • Treviso Centrale
  • Venezia Mestre
  • Venezia Santa Lucia
  • Venezia Tronchetto

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains, IC buses and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. this ticket, you can travel on ÖBB trains and IC buses between Tarvisio and Venice.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class on Eurocity trains.

B. can buy this ticket for 2nd class on IC buses.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. cannot have this ticket refunded prior to the first day of validity.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.2.8For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation using Sparschiene and Offerta Speciale

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains booked. Both are indicated on the ticket.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. tickets are personal tickets, regardless of how you receive them. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. ticket offer is valid for the Railjet Xpress of the ÖBB and for Eurocity trains of the ÖBB DB Brenner transport cooperation to Venezia Santa Lucia and Bologna Centrale via Brenner to the following train stations in Italy:

  • Brenner
  • Sterzing
  • Franzensfeste
  • Brixen
  • Bozen
  • Trento
  • Rovereto
  • Verona Porta Nuova
  • Bologna Centrale
  • Rimini
  • Vicenza
  • Padova
  • Venezia Mestre
  • Venezia Santa Lucia

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all Railjet Xpress of the ÖBB and Eurocity trains of the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. cannot have this ticket refunded prior to the first day of validity.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.2.9For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark using Sparschiene

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains booked. Both are indicated on the ticket.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. tickets are personal tickets, regardless of how you receive them. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Chemin de Fer Luxembourgeois (CFL) in Luxembourg.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Nationale Maatschappij van de Belgische Spoorwegen/Société Nationale de Chemins de Fer Belge (NMBS/SNCB) in Belgium.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Nederlands Spoorwegen (NS) in the Netherlands.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Danske Statsbaner (DSB) in Denmark.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all CFL, NMBS/SNCB, NS and DSB trains.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. cannot have this ticket refunded prior to the first day of validity.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.2.10For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania using Sparschiene

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains booked. Both are indicated on the ticket.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. tickets are personal tickets, regardless of how you receive them. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Polskie Koleje Państwowe (PKP) and Przewozy Regionalne in Poland.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Srbija Voz (SV) in Serbia.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Hrvatske Željeznice (HZ) in Croatia.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Căile Ferate Române Călători (CFR) in Romania.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all PKP, SV, HZ and CFR trains.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. cannot have this ticket refunded prior to the first day of validity.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.2.11For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad using Sparschiene

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 180 days in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is linked to a certain train. It is only valid on the day of validity, and only for the trains and seats booked. The respective information can be found on the ticket.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. ticket is available for all routes on which ÖBB night trains run.

B. is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid for a single trip along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is valid for ÖBB night trains as per Section E.1

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. on availability, you can buy this ticket for the following comfort categories:

  • Seating carriage
  • Couchette compartments with four or six berths
  • Sleeper cars with triple, double and single occupancy
  • Sleeper cars deluxe with triple, double and single occupancy

B. seat reservations are already included.

B. individual bookings in sleeper cars, we differentiate between women's and men's compartments, unless all beds in the compartment are occupied by members of the same family or group.

B. offer special ladies’ couchette compartments on all night trains. Booking is possible up to 4 days prior to departure.

B. comfort category (seat, couchette or sleeper car) can be changed, if free seats are available. You can obtain pertinent information from our staff on the train. The difference between the travel categories must be paid directly to our staff.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. ticket offer allows as many passengers to travel together as seats are available.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. cannot have this ticket refunded prior to the first day of validity.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups Kinder, Erwachsene and Fahrzeuge. 4 children per adult pay only the reservation fees on night trains. Infants travel at the children's rate if they need a seat.

B.1.3Comfort ticket

B.1.3.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn using comfort tickets

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.3.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB using comfort tickets

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.3.3For trips to Switzerland using comfort tickets

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.3.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD using comfort tickets

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.3.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV using comfort tickets

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.3.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK using comfort tickets

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.3.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ using comfort tickets

B. ticket offer is regulated in Section B.1.3.15.

B.1.3.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio using comfort tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid on the day of validity, and only for the IC buses and seats booked. All of this is indicated on the ticket.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for routes from Klagenfurt Central Station and Villach Central Station to the following stops in Italy:

  • Udine
  • Venezia Mestre
  • Venezia Tronchetto

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked IC buses and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on ÖBB IC buses between Klagenfurt Central Station, Villach Central Station and Venezia Tronchetto.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. ticket offer allows as many passengers to travel together as seats are available.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, passengers with an Austrian disability pass, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle and Railplus.

B.1.3.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC using comfort tickets

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.3.10For trips to South Tyrol using comfort tickets

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.3.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation using comfort tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid on the day of validity, and only for the trains and seats booked. All of this is indicated on the ticket.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. ticket offer is valid for the Railjet Xpress of the ÖBB and for the Eurocity trains of the ÖBB DB Brenner transport cooperation to Venezia Santa Lucia and Bologna Centrale via Brenner to the following train stations in Italy:

  • Brenner
  • Sterzing
  • Franzensfeste
  • Brixen
  • Bozen
  • Trento
  • Rovereto
  • Verona Porta Nuova
  • Bologna Centrale
  • Rimini
  • Vicenza
  • Padova
  • Venezia Mestre
  • Venezia Santa Lucia

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. this ticket, you can travel on all Railjet Xpress of the ÖBB and Eurocity trains of the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 2nd class.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. ticket offer allows at least 15 passengers to travel together, depending on the availability of seats.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups Schulgruppen.

B.1.3.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark using comfort tickets

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.3.13For trips to Poland, Serbia and Croatia and Romania using comfort tickets

B. ticket offer is regulated in Section B.1.3.15.

B.1.3.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad using comfort tickets

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 180 days in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is linked to a certain train. It is only valid on the day of validity, and only for the trains and seats booked. The respective information can be found on the ticket.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. ticket is available for all routes on which ÖBB night trains run.

B. is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid for a single trip along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is valid for ÖBB night trains as per Section E.1.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. on availability, you can buy this ticket for the following comfort categories:

  • Seating carriage
  • Private compartment in a seating carriage up to a maximum of three passengers
  • Couchette compartments with four or six berths
  • Private compartment in a couchette carriage for 1 to 3 adults and children up to a maximum of six passengers
  • Sleeper cars with triple, double and single occupancy
  • Sleeper cars deluxe with triple, double and single occupancy

B. seat reservations are already included.

B. individual bookings in sleeper cars, we differentiate between women's and men's compartments, unless all beds in the compartment are occupied by members of the same family or group.

B. offer special ladies’ couchette compartments on all night trains. Booking is possible up to 4 days prior to departure.

B. comfort category (seat, couchette or sleeper car) can be changed, if free seats are available. You can obtain pertinent information from our staff on the train. The difference between the travel categories must be paid directly to our staff.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. ticket offer allows as many passengers to travel together as seats are available.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have this ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have this ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you can no longer have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • via
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • From our staff on the train
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, families, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs, ÖBB business account, dogs, bicycle, groups, groups of school children, Bahncard, vehicles, ÖAMTC, ARBÖ, ADAC and cruise transfer.

B.1.3.15For trips with the ÖBB Nightjet partners abroad

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 180 days in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is linked to a certain train. It is only valid on the day of validity, and only for the trains and seats booked. The respective information can be found on the ticket.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. ticket is available for all routes on which night trains as per Section E.2 run.

B. is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid for a single trip along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is valid for night trains as per Section E.2.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. on availability, you can buy this ticket for the following comfort categories:

  • Seating carriage
  • Couchette compartments with four or six berths
  • Private couchette compartment for up to six persons
  • Sleeper cars with triple, double and single occupancy
  • Sleeper cars deluxe with triple, double and single occupancy

B. seat reservations are already included.

B. individual bookings in sleeper cars, we differentiate between women's and men's compartments, unless all beds in the compartment are occupied by members of the same family or group.

B. comfort category (seat, couchette or sleeper car) can be changed, if free seats are available. You can obtain pertinent information from our staff on the train. The difference between the travel categories must be paid directly to our staff.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. ticket offer allows as many passengers to travel together as seats are available.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have this ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have this ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you can no longer have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • From our staff on the train
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard, vehicles, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs and groups.

B.1.3.16For trips with other night trains abroad

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 180 days in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is linked to a certain train. It is only valid on the day of validity, and only for the trains and seats booked. The respective information can be found on the ticket.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. ticket is available for all routes on which night trains of the following railway operators run:

  • SJ in Sweden
  • VR in Finland
  • NSB in Norway
  • RZD in cross-border transport from and to Russia
  • SNCF in France
  • Thello between France and Italy
  • Trenitalia in Italy
  • Georg Verkehrs GmbH between Berlin and Malmö

B. is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid for a single trip along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is valid for night trains of the following railway operators:

  • SJ
  • VR
  • NSB
  • RZD in cross-border transport
  • SNCF
  • Thello
  • Trenitalia
  • Georg Verkehrs GmbH

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. on availability, you can buy this ticket for the following comfort categories:

  • Seating carriage
  • Couchette compartments with four or six berths
  • Family couchette compartment for up to six persons
  • Sleeper cars with triple, double and single occupancy
  • Sleeper cars deluxe with triple, double and single occupancy

B. seat reservations are already included.

B. individual bookings in sleeper cars, we differentiate between women's and men's compartments, unless all beds in the compartment are occupied by members of the same family or group.

B. comfort category (seat, couchette or sleeper car) can be changed, if free seats are available. You can obtain pertinent information from our staff on the train. The difference between the travel categories must be paid directly to our staff.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. ticket offer allows as many passengers to travel together as seats are available.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have this ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have this ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you can no longer have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children, adults, companions of passengers with disabilities, passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs and groups.

B.1.4Bratislava ticket

B.1.4.1For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK using the Bratislava ticket

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. single ticket is valid for 4 days. The period of validity is indicated on the ticket. Within the validity period, you can make one outward and one return trip. You cannot interrupt your journey in between. The day pass for public urban transport in Bratislava is valid on the first day of validity of the single ticket.

B. on their type, commutation tickets are valid for either one week or one month from the first day of validity. The period of validity is indicated on the ticket. Within the period of validity, you can use this ticket as often as you like.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. ticket is available for trips between all train stations in Vienna and all train stations in Bratislava.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid on the two routes between Vienna and Bratislava via Kittsee or Marchegg. The day pass for public urban transport in Bratislava is valid in the municipal area of Bratislava.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. ticket is valid on regional trains operated by ÖBB and ZSSK in the REX and Os categories. The day pass for public urban transport in Bratislava is valid on DPB’s means of public transport.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. buy this ticket for 2nd class.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. this ticket offer, you are buying for one person.

B. reimbursement options do you have for this ticket?

B. can have your tickets refunded prior to the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • ÖBB ticket vending machine
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups Kinder and Erwachsene. The transport of one Fahrrad per person is included in the ticket price.

B.1.5Door to door luggage service

B.1.5.1When is this service offer available?

B. service offer is available until revoked.

B. offer this service for the following luggage items:

  • Suitcase
  • Backpacks
  • Travel bags
  • Ski boot bags

B. will also gladly transport your packed special luggage:

  • Skis, snowboards and sleighs
  • Golf equipment

B. will also gladly transport the following folded pieces of special luggage:

  • Wheelchairs
  • Strollers
  • Buggies

B. are not transported.

B. note: Each piece of luggage or special luggage may weigh a maximum of 30 kg. The sum of 1 x length, 2 x height and 2 x width may not exceed 300 cm.

B.1.5.2How long in advance can you buy this service offer?

B. service offer can be purchased up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy this service offer up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can buy this service offer at the ÖBB ticket counter and from the customer service 05-1717 up to 3 working days prior to the desired pick-up date.

B.1.5.3When and for how long is this service offer valid?

B. will be happy to pick up your luggage in Austria on the following working days:

  • Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. with bookable time windows from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • additionally from Monday to Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the following postal code areas:
    • Vienna/surroundings: 1xxx, 2320 – 2353
    • Linz: 4020 – 4046, 4050 – 4063, 4600 – 4614
    • Graz: 8010 – 8074
    • Salzburg: 5010 – 5033
    • Klagenfurt/Villach: 9000 – 9065, 9210 – 9220, 9231, 9500 – 9508
    • Innsbruck: 6010 – 6020, 6029 – 6061, 6071
  • Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. from the following postal code areas:
    • Vienna/surroundings: 1xxx, 2320 – 2353
    • Linz: 4020 – 4046, 4050 – 4063, 4600 – 4614
    • Graz: 8010 – 8074
    • Salzburg: 5010 – 5033
    • Klagenfurt/Villach: 9000 – 9065, 9210 – 9220, 9231, 9500 – 9508
    • Innsbruck: 6010 – 6020, 6029 – 6061, 6071

B. will be happy to pick up your luggage abroad on the following working days:

  • Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

B. will be happy to deliver your luggage in Austria on the following working days:

  • Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. with bookable time windows from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • additionally from Monday to Friday from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the following postal code areas:
    • Vienna/surroundings: 1xxx, 2320 – 2353
    • Linz: 4020 – 4046, 4050 – 4063, 4600 – 4614
    • Graz: 8010 – 8074
    • Salzburg: 5010 – 5033
    • Klagenfurt/Villach: 9000 – 9065, 9210 – 9220, 9231, 9500 – 9508
    • Innsbruck: 6010 – 6020, 6029 – 6061, 6071
  • Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. from the following postal code areas:
    • Vienna/surroundings: 1xxx, 2320 – 2353
    • Linz: 4020 – 4046, 4050 – 4063, 4600 – 4614
    • Graz: 8010 – 8074
    • Salzburg: 5010 – 5033
    • Klagenfurt/Villach: 9000 – 9065, 9210 – 9220, 9231, 9500 – 9508
    • Innsbruck: 6010 – 6020, 6029 – 6061, 6071

B. will be happy to deliver your luggage abroad on the following working days:

  • Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m with bookable time windows from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

B. delivery of your luggage is expected to take:

  • 3 working days after the pick-up day to Germany:
  • 4 working days after the pick-up day to Switzerland, including customs formalities
  • 3 working days after the pick-up day to South Tyrol

If the items are picked up in the evening or on Saturdays, delivery is extended by 1 working day.

B. we do not deliver your luggage within the agreed time, please contact the telephone number indicated on your booking confirmation to arrange an alternative date.

B. the booked pick-up or delivery times are not met or if the specified delivery time is exceeded, we will refund the entire charges for the door-to-door luggage service in one direction. A consignment is considered to have been delivered/collected on time if it is completed no later than 15 minutes after the end of the time window or after 5.00 p.m. For a refund, please contact the ÖBB customer service by telephone at 05-1717 or online at

B.1.5.4For which areas can you buy this service offer?

B. offer this service for the connections of the train ticket for your trip. A prerequisite is that your collection and delivery address need to be at least within the catchment area of your departure and arrival station.

B.1.5.5Where is this service offer valid?

B. service offering is available for trips to Germany, Switzerland and South Tyrol (postal codes 38xxx, 39xxx). Please note: we do not deliver to the German islands.

B.1.5.6On which trains and buses is this service offer valid?

B. to remain empty ---

B.1.5.7For which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. to remain empty ---

B.1.5.8For how many pieces of luggage or special luggage can you buy this offer?

B. can buy 1 voucher for door-to-door luggage service per passenger. With this voucher, you can send an unlimited number of pieces of luggage and special luggage.

B.1.5.9What reimbursement options do you have for this offer?

B. can have this service offer refunded or changed up until 3 working days prior to the pick-up date.

B. this, the service offer can no longer be refunded or changed.

B.1.5.10Where can you buy this service offer?

B. can buy this service offer at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717

B.1.5.11For which customer groups is this offer available?

B. service offer is available for the customer group adults. For this offer, children are considered adults.

B.1.5.12What insurance coverage does this service offer include?

B. you purchase this service, you will automatically receive insurance for your luggage and special luggage.

B. insurance covers the following services up to € 800.00 per piece of luggage and special luggage:

  • Reimbursement of costs for the replacement of a lost piece of luggage or special luggage
  • Repair of a damaged piece of luggage or special luggage
  • Unavoidable and necessary expenses incurred by you due to the delayed delivery of a piece of luggage

B. insurer and contact person for this: GO! Express & Logistics GmbH, Pfarrgasse 81, 1230 Wien. Für Sendungen in die Schweiz: Q Logistics KSC Servicecenter/Schadensmanagement, Gewerbepark 5, 6300 Wörgl.

B. further liability is governed by Regulation (EC) No. 1371/2007, including its Appendix I, CIV.

B.1.6Sparschiene Comfort

B.1.6.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains and seats booked. Both are indicated on the ticket. The seat reservation is included with the ticket if it is technically available at the time of booking.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. Comfort tickets are personal tickets, regardless of the manner in which you obtain these tickets. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for routes operated by the state-owned (Deutsche Bahn, DB) and non-state-owned railways in tariff cooperation with DB.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for routes operated by the state-owned (Deutsche Bahn, DB) and non-state-owned railways in tariff cooperation with DB.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.6.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.6.3For trips to Switzerland using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains and seats booked. Both are indicated on the ticket. The seat reservation is included with the ticket if it is technically available at the time of booking.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. Comfort tickets are personal tickets, regardless of the manner in which you obtain these tickets. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for all routes operated by the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and its cooperating cantonal and private railways.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for trains operated by the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) and its cooperating cantonal and private railways.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded

B.1.6.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains and seats booked. Both are indicated on the ticket. The seat reservation is included with the ticket if it is technically available at the time of booking.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. Comfort tickets are personal tickets, regardless of the manner in which you obtain these tickets. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for all routes operated by CD in the Czech Republic.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for trains operated by CD in the Czech Republic.

B. of school children can buy this ticket for the following ÖBB trains in Austria and CD trains in the Czech Republic:

  • RJ 70, RJ 71, RJ 72, RJ 73, RJ 74, RJ 75, RJ 76, RJ 77, RJ 78 und RJ 79

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. of school children can buy this ticket for the 2nd class.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. groups of school children, this ticket offer allows at least 15 passengers to travel together, depending on the availability of seats.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. of school children can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B. ticket is furthermore available for the customer group Groups of school children.

B.1.6.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains and seats booked. Both are indicated on the ticket. The seat reservation is included with the ticket if it is technically available at the time of booking.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. Comfort tickets are personal tickets, regardless of the manner in which you obtain these tickets. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for all routes operated by MAV and GYSEV in Hungary.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for trains operated by MAV and GYSEV in Hungary.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.6.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains and seats booked. Both are indicated on the ticket. The seat reservation is included with the ticket if it is technically available at the time of booking.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. Comfort tickets are personal tickets, regardless of the manner in which you obtain these tickets. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for all routes operated by ZSSK in Slovakia.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for trains operated by ZSSK in Slovakia.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.6.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is this ticket offer available? Tarif

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains and seats booked. Both are indicated on the ticket. The seat reservation is included with the ticket if it is technically available at the time of booking.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. Comfort tickets are personal tickets, regardless of the manner in which you obtain these tickets. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for all routes operated by SZ in Slovenia.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. can buy this ticket offer for trains operated by SZ in Slovenia.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B.B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.6.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains and seats booked. Both are indicated on the ticket. The seat reservation is included with the ticket if it is technically available at the time of booking.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. Comfort tickets are personal tickets, regardless of the manner in which you obtain these tickets. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. can buy this ticket offer for routes from Tarvisio Boscoverde to the following train stations in Italy:

  • Udine
  • Pordenone
  • Treviso Centrale
  • Venezia Mestre
  • Venezia Santa Lucia
  • Venezia Tronchetto

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. this ticket, you can travel on ÖBB trains and IC buses between Tarvisio and Venice.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.6.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.6.10For trips to South Tyrol using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is no offer for this.

B.1.6.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains and seats booked. Both are indicated on the ticket. The seat reservation is included with the ticket if it is technically available at the time of booking.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. Comfort tickets are personal tickets, regardless of the manner in which you obtain these tickets. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. ticket offer is valid for the Railjet Xpress of the ÖBB and for the Eurocity trains of the ÖBB DB Brenner transport cooperation to Venezia Santa Lucia and Bologna Centrale via Brenner to the following train stations in Italy:

  • Brenner
  • Sterzing
  • Franzensfeste
  • Brixen
  • Bozen
  • Trento
  • Rovereto
  • Verona Porta Nuova
  • Bologna Centrale
  • Rimini
  • Vicenza
  • Padova
  • Venezia Mestre
  • Venezia Santa Lucia

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all Railjet Xpress of the ÖBB and Eurocity trains of the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. groups of school children, this ticket offer allows at least 15 passengers to travel together, depending on the availability of seats.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.6.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains and seats booked. Both are indicated on the ticket. The seat reservation is included with the ticket if it is technically available at the time of booking.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. Comfort tickets are personal tickets, regardless of the manner in which you obtain these tickets. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Chemin de Fer Luxembourgeois (CFL) in Luxembourg.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Nationale Maatschappij van de Belgische Spoorwegen/Société Nationale de Chemins de Fer Belge (NMBS/SNCB) in Belgium.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Nederlands Spoorwegen (NS) in the Netherlands.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains operated by Danske Statsbaner (DSB) in Denmark.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all CFL, NMBS/SNCB, NS and DSB trains.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.6.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is this ticket offer available?

B. ticket offer is available until revoked.

B. long in advance can you buy this ticket?

B. offer is available up to 6 months in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your ticket up until the end of the current timetable.

B. can only buy this ticket up to 1 minute before the departure of the train.

B. and for how long is this ticket valid?

B. long-distance and cross-border local trains, this ticket is valid only on the day of validity and on the trains and seats booked. Both are indicated on the ticket. The seat reservation is included with the ticket if it is technically available at the time of booking.

B. local trains in Austria in the pre- and post-carriage of long-distance trains, you can also take an earlier or later train.

B. ticket is not valid on any other train or bus.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. you miss a connecting train due to a train delay, you take the next possible train to your destination station. If necessary, please have the delay confirmed by our train attendants.

B. Comfort tickets are personal tickets, regardless of the manner in which you obtain these tickets. They are made out to the name(s) of the passenger(s) you have stated when booking. When the tickets are checked, the passengers stated on the ticket must produce a photo ID showing their age.

B. you cannot identify yourself or if the names of the passengers do not match the names on the ticket, the regulations for passengers without a valid ticket of the respective railway apply.

B. which area can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket offer for all ÖBB routes.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Polskie Koleje Państwowe (PKP) and Przewozy Regionalne in Poland.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Srbija Voz (SV) in Serbia.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Hrvatske Željeznice (HZ) in Croatia.

B. ticket offer is valid on the trains and routes operated by Căile Ferate Române Călători (CFR) in Romania.

B. is the ticket valid?

B. ticket is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. route is indicated on the ticket.

B. cannot use any other route.

B. which trains and buses is this ticket valid?

B. Austria, this ticket is valid for long-distance trains and IC buses as well as for local trains before and after long-distance trips.

B. this ticket, you can travel on all PKP, SV, HZ and CFR trains.

B. which comfort categories can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket for 1st and 2nd class.

B. you decide to change class from 1st class to business class on the train, the provisions of the guide for travelling with ÖBB in Austria apply.

B. other change of class is possible.

B. how many passengers can you buy this ticket?

B. to 6 passengers can travel together using this ticket offer.

B. reimbursement options are available for this ticket?

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 15 days before the first day of validity without any fees being charged.

B. can have your ticket refunded up to 1 day before the first day of validity against a fee in the amount of 50 % of the fare, subject to a minimum fee of € 15.00 per passenger.

B. the first day of validity onwards, you cannot have this ticket refunded.

B. can you buy this ticket?

B. can buy this ticket at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B. which customer groups is this offer available?

B. ticket is available for the customer groups children and adults. Please specify the names of the children when booking via Please note: The total number of passengers per ticket specified in Section B. may not be exceeded.

B.1.6.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad using Sparschiene Comfort

B. is no offer for this.


B.2.1Seat reservations

B.2.1.1When is this reservation offer available?

B. reservation offer is available until revoked.

B. reservation is valid for one direction of travel and one train. If you change trains several times, you need to buy a reservation for each train.

B.2.1.2How long in advance can you buy this reservation offer?

B. offer is available up to 92 days in advance. As long as the timetable for the new timetable year has not yet been published, you can buy your reservation up until the end of the current timetable.

B. reservation offer is only available as long as seats are available.

B.2.1.3When and for how long is this reservation valid?

B. reservation is valid only on the day of validity on the trains you have booked and for the seats indicated on your reservation.

B. reservation is not valid on any other train.

B. cannot interrupt your journey in between.

B. reservation is only valid together with a valid ticket. For 1st class and business class reservations, you need a 1st class ticket.

B. occupy your reserved seat within 15 minutes after the train has departed from your boarding station. After this, the reservation expires, and with it your claim to the reserved seat.

B.2.1.4For which areas can you buy this reservation?

B. reservations are available throughout Europe for all trains and buses reported to the EPA reservation system by the individual railway companies.

B.2.1.5Where is this reservation valid?

B. reservation is only valid along the route of your booked trains and connections.

B. cannot take any other route.

B. a reservation for business class on the Railjet and a valid ticket for 1st class, you can also travel in business class on other trains. However, you will not have a reserved seat there.

B.2.1.6On which trains and buses is this reservation valid?

B. and buses for which you can reserve a seat can be found in our timetables.

B.2.1.7For which comfort categories can you buy this reservation?

B. can buy this reservation for 2nd class, 1st class and business class.

B.2.1.8For how many passengers can you buy this reservation?

B. this reservation offer, 1 to a maximum of 36 people can travel together in 1st and 2nd class.

B. can buy business class reservations for 1 person.

B. groups of more than 36 passengers, please contact our group reservations.

B.2.1.9What reimbursement options do you have for this offer?

B. cannot be refunded.

B.2.1.10Where can you buy this reservation?

B. can buy this reservation at the following points of sale:

  • ÖBB ticket counter
  • Customer service +43 5 1717
  • ÖBB app
  • Travel agencies and other agencies selling ÖBB tickets

B.2.1.11For which customer groups is this offer available?

B. reservation is available for the customer groups adults, child, infant, group, Vorteilscard, Österreichcard and bicycle.

C.Customer groups


C.1.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.3For trips to Switzerland

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. our trains, you can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C. the IC buses, even infants need their own seat. Therefore, the provisions laid out in Section C.2.8 apply.

C.1.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. trips to Luxembourg and Belgium, infants are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. trips to the Netherlands, infants are passengers up to the age of one day be-fore their 4th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. trips to Poland and Romania, infants are passengers up to the age of one day before their 4th birthday.

C. trips to Serbia and Croatia, infants are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.

C.1.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket if they do not occupy their own seat.

C. each adult, one infant can travel along free of charge in the parents’ bed.

C. occupying a seat of their own require a ticket.

C.1.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. are passengers up to the age of one day before their 6th birthday.

C. can take along infants free of charge and without a ticket.


C.2.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. are passengers aged 6 to 14 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 15th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount of 100 % on Sparschiene. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount on Sparschiene Komfort. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C.2.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. are passengers aged 6 to 14 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 15th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.2.3For trips to Switzerland

C. standard tickets, children are passengers aged 6 to 15 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 16th birthday.

C. Sparschiene, children are passengers aged 6 to 14 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 15th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount of 100 % on Sparschiene. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount on Sparschiene Komfort. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C.2.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. are passengers aged 6 to 17 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 18th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount of 100 % on Sparschiene and Sparschiene Komfort for adults. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount on Sparschiene Komfort. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C.2.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. standard tickets, children are passengers aged 6 to 13 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 14th birthday.

C. Sparschiene, children are passengers aged 6 to 14 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 15th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount of 100 % on Sparschiene. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount on Sparschiene Komfort. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C.2.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. are passengers aged 6 to 15 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 16th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount of 100 % on Sparschiene. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount on Sparschiene Komfort. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C.2.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. are passengers aged 6 to 11 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 12th birthday. For 1st class trips with a standard ticket, children are passengers aged 6 to 11, until one day before their 12th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount of 100 % on Sparschiene. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount on Sparschiene Komfort. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C.2.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. are passengers aged 6 to 14 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 15th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults as well as on the comfort ticket.

C. ÖBB trains, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount of 100 % on Sparschiene when accompanied by an adult. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. ÖBB trains, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount on Sparschiene Komfort when accompanied by an adult. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C.2.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. are passengers aged 6 to 11 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 12th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.2.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. are passengers aged 6 to 14 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 15th birthday.

C. do not receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.2.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. are passengers aged 6 to 14 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 15th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount of 100 % on Sparschiene. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount on Sparschiene Komfort. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C.2.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. standard tickets in Luxembourg and Belgium, children are passengers aged 6 to 11 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 12th birthday.

C. standard tickets in the Netherlands, children are passengers aged 4 to 11 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 12th birthday.

C. standard tickets in Denmark, children are passengers aged 6 to 15 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 16th birthday.

C. Sparschiene, children are passengers aged 6 to 14 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 15th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount of 100 % on Sparschiene. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount on Sparschiene Komfort. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C.2.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. standard tickets in Croatia, children are passengers aged 6 to 11 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 12th birthday.

C. standard tickets in Poland, children are passengers aged 4 to 11 – from their 4th birthday until one day before their 12th birthday.

C. standard tickets in Serbia, children are passengers aged 6 to 13 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 14th birthday.

C. standard tickets in Romania, children are passengers aged 4 to 11 – from their 4th birthday until one day before their 12th birthday.

C. Sparschiene to Poland, Serbia and Croatia, children are passengers aged 6 to 14 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 15th birthday.

C. Sparschiene to Romania, children are passengers aged 4 to 11 – from their 4th birthday until one day before their 12th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount of 100 % on Sparschiene. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount on Sparschiene Komfort. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C.2.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. are passengers aged 6 to 14 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 15th birthday.

C. accompanied by an adult are entitled to a discounted price.

C.2.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. are passengers aged 6 to 14 – from their 6th birthday until one day before their 15th birthday.

C. receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount of 100 % on Sparschiene. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. accompanied by an adult, up to 4 children per adult receive a discount on Sparschiene Komfort. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.


C. are passengers who have exceeded the childhood limit as per Section C.2 Adults pay the full price.

C.4ÖBB standard ticket 1st class

C. purchasing an ÖBB 1st class standard ticket, you will receive a discount of 100 % on seat reservations for 1st class, as specified in Section B.2.1., provided that you purchase your reservation together with the ticket.

C. will receive your ticket together with your seat reservation when you purchase it through the distribution channels specified in Section B.2.1.10.


C.5.1Vorteilscard Classic and Vorteilscard 66

C.5.1.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.1.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.1.3For trips to Switzerland

C. is no offer for this.

C.5.1.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.1.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C. cross-border trips on local trains in the train categories R (or without train category, only with train number) and ER, you will receive a discount of 0% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.5.1.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.1.7For trips to Slovenia with SZZ

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.1.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults and on comfort tickets with Railplus.

C.5.1.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. is no offer for this.

C.5.1.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.5.1.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.1.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.1.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.1.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. with a Vorteilscard pay a reduced price.

C.5.1.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Vorteilscard Classic, you will receive a discount of 50 % on a single standard ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section when buying your ticket

  • at a ÖBB ticket vending machine,
  • via,
  • via
  • via our ÖBB app,
  • at ÖBB ticket counters
  • at the ÖBB customer service +43-1717
  • from our sales partners, e.g. travel agencies and
  • from the staff on our trains and buses.

C.5.2Vorteilscard Jugend

C.5.2.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.2.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.2.3For trips to Switzerland

C. is no offer for this.

C.5.2.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.2.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C. cross-border trips on local trains in the train categories R (or without train category, only with train number) and ER, you will receive a discount of 0% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.5.2.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.2.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.2.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults and on comfort tickets with Railplus.

C.5.2.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. is no offer for this.

C.5.2.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.5.2.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.2.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.2.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.2.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. with a Vorteilscard pay a reduced price.

C.5.2.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Vorteilscard Jugend, you will receive a discount of 50 % on a single standard ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section when buying your ticket

  • at a ÖBB ticket vending machine,
  • via,
  • via
  • via our ÖBB app,
  • at ÖBB ticket counters
  • at the ÖBB customer service +43-1717
  • from our sales partners, e.g. travel agencies and
  • from the staff on our trains and buses.

C.5.3Vorteilscard Senior

C.5.3.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.3.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.3.3For trips to Switzerland

C. is no offer for this.

C.5.3.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.3.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C. cross-border trips on local trains in the train categories R (or without train category, only with train number) and ER, you will receive a discount of 0% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.5.3.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.3.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.3.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults and on comfort tickets with Railplus.

C.5.3.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults with the Vorteilscard Senior.

C.5.3.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.5.3.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.3.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.3.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.5.3.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. with a Vorteilscard pay a reduced price.

C.5.3.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Vorteilscard Senior, you will receive a discount of 50 % on a single standard ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section when buying your ticket

  • at a ÖBB ticket vending machine,
  • via,
  • via
  • via our ÖBB app,
  • at ÖBB ticket counters
  • at the ÖBB customer service +43-1717
  • from our sales partners, e.g. travel agencies and
  • from the staff on our trains and buses.

C.5.4Vorteilscard Family

C.5.4.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. a child receives a discount of 100 % on the Austrian route section, it is also granted the same discount on the reservation.

C.5.4.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.5.4.3For trips to Switzerland

C. receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. a child receives a discount of 100 % on the Austrian route section, it is also granted the same discount on the reservation.

C.5.4.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. a child receives a discount of 100 % on the Austrian route section, it is also granted the same discount on the reservation.

C.5.4.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. cross-border trips on local trains in the train categories R (or without train category, only with train number) and ER, you will receive a discount of 0% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. a child receives a discount of 100 % on the Austrian route section, it is also granted the same discount on the reservation.

C.5.4.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.5.4.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. a child receives a discount of 100 % on the Austrian route section, it is also granted the same discount on the reservation.

C.5.4.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. a child receives a discount of 100 % on the Austrian route section, it is also granted the same discount on the reservation.

C. are no discounts for comfort tickets.

C.5.4.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. cross-border trips, adults receive no discount on a standard single ticket for adults with the Vorteilscard Family. Children receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.5.4.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.5.4.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. a child receives a discount of 100 % on the Austrian route section, it is also granted the same discount on the reservation.

C.5.4.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. a child receives a discount of 100 % on the Austrian route section, it is also granted the same discount on the reservation.

C.5.4.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. a child receives a discount of 100 % on the Austrian route section, it is also granted the same discount on the reservation.

C.5.4.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. with a Vorteilscard pay a reduced price.

C.5.4.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Vorteilscard Family, you will receive a discount of 50 % on a single standard ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section when buying your ticket

  • at a ÖBB ticket vending machine,
  • via,
  • via
  • via our ÖBB app,
  • at ÖBB ticket counters
  • at the ÖBB customer service +43-1717
  • from our sales partners, e.g. travel agencies and
  • from the staff on our trains and buses.

C. of a Vorteilscard Family also receive the discount if they travel together with an infant or a child.

C. children per holder of a Vorteilscard Family receive a discount of 100 % on a single standard ticket for the ÖBB route section. The other children receive a dis-count of 50 % on a single standard ticket for the ÖBB route section. For this, you will need to specify the number of children during your purchase, so that they are all registered on your ticket.

C. a child receives a discount of 100 % on the Austrian route section, it is also granted the same discount on the reservation.


C.6.1Österreichcard Familie

C.6.1.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 100% on seat reservations, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C. cross-border trips on the Railjet, you will receive a discount of 100% on business class seat reservations with the Österreichcard Family 1st class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.6.1.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.6.1.3For trips to Switzerland

C. receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 100% on seat reservations, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C. cross-border trips on the Railjet, you will receive a discount of 100% on business class seat reservations with the Österreichcard Family 1st class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.6.1.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 100% on seat reservations, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C. cross-border trips on the Railjet, you will receive a discount of 100% on business class seat reservations with the Österreichcard Family 1st class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.6.1.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. cross-border trips on local trains in the train categories R (or without train category, only with train number) and ER, you will receive a discount of 0% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 100% on seat reservations, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C. cross-border trips on the Railjet, you will receive a discount of 100% on business class seat reservations with the Österreichcard Family 1st class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.6.1.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.6.1.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 100% on seat reservations, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.6.1.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 100% on seat reservations, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C. are no discounts for comfort tickets.

C.6.1.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. cross-border trips, adults do not receive a discount on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.6.1.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.6.1.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 100% on seat reservations, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.6.1.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 100% on seat reservations, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C. cross-border trips on the Railjet, you will receive a discount of 100% on business class seat reservations with the Österreichcard Family 1st class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.6.1.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. cross-border trips, adults will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus. Children receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 100% on seat reservations, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.6.1.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with an Österreichcard pay a reduced price.

C.6.1.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. an Österreichcard Familie, you will receive a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 100% on seat reservations, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C. cross-border trips on the Railjet, you will receive a discount of 100% on business class seat reservations with the Österreichcard Family 1st class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.6.2Österreichcard Bundesheer

C.6.2.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.2.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.2.3For trips to Switzerland

C. is no offer for this.

C.6.2.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.2.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.2.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.2.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.2.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C. are no discounts for comfort tickets.

C.6.2.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. is no offer for this.

C.6.2.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.6.2.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.2.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.2.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.2.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with an Öster-reichcard pay a reduced price.

C.6.2.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. an Österreichcard Bundesheer, you will receive a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.6.3Österreichcard Zivildienst

C.6.3.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.3.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.3.3For trips to Switzerland

C. is no offer for this.

C.6.3.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.3.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.3.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.3.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.3.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C. are no discounts for comfort tickets.

C.6.3.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. is no offer for this.

C.6.3.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.6.3.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.3.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.3.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.6.3.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with an Öster-reichcard pay a reduced price.

C.6.3.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. an Österreichcard Zivildienst, you will receive a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.7Passengers with an Austrian disability pass

C.7.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. is no offer for this.

C.7.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. is no offer for this.

C.7.3For trips to Switzerland

C. is no offer for this.

C.7.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. is no offer for this.

C.7.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. is no offer for this.

C.7.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. is no offer for this.

C.7.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. is no offer for this.

C.7.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. is no offer for this.

C.7.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. customer group includes all our passengers with disabilities and the following entries in their Austrian certificate of disability or of severe war-related disability:

  • degree of disability of at least 70 % or
  • an additional entry “...can claim discounts on transport rates in accordance with the Federal Disabilities Act (Bundesbehindertengesetz)”.

C. a disability pass, you will receive a discount of 50 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.7.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. customer group includes all our passengers with disabilities and the following entries in their Austrian certificate of disability or of severe war-related disability:

  • degree of disability of at least 70 % or
  • an additional entry “...can claim discounts on transport rates in accordance with the Federal Disabilities Act (Bundesbehindertengesetz)”.

C. a disability pass, you will receive a discount of 50 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.7.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. is no offer for this.

C.7.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. customer group includes all our passengers with disabilities and the following entries in their Austrian certificate of disability or of severe war-related disability:

  • degree of disability of at least 70 % or
  • an additional entry “...can claim discounts on transport rates in accordance with the Federal Disabilities Act (Bundesbehindertengesetz)”.

C. a disability pass, you will receive a discount of 50 % on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.8Companions of passengers with disabilities

C.8.1Companions of blind passengers

C.8.1.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.1.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.1.3For trips to Switzerland

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.1.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.1.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.1.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.1.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.1.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. companion will receive a discount of at least 25 % on the comfort ticket.

C.8.1.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.1.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. are not entitled to any discounts.

C.8.1.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.1.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.1.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.1.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. companion only pays the reservation fee for the chosen travel category.

C. of a disability pass with the entry “assistance dog” accompanied by their assistance dog can book the mobility compartment on night trains.

C.8.1.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. passengers with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person or an assistance dog along.

C. blind child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion or assistance dog receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2Companions of passengers in wheelchairs

C.8.2.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2.3For trips to Switzerland

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. companion will receive a discount of at least 25 % on the comfort ticket.

C.8.2.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. You are not entitled to any discounts.

C.8.2.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.2.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. in wheelchairs can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion only pays the reservation fee for the chosen travel category, multi-functional carriages excluded.

C.8.2.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. in wheelchairs with a degree of disability of at least 70 % can take an accompanying person along.

C. child in a wheelchair under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an ac-companying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. a train has wheelchair spaces only in 1st class, a second companion also only pays for a standard single 2nd class ticket for adults.

C.8.3Companions of passengers with disabilities

C.8.3.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. with disabilities whose disability pass states that “the holder of this pass requires an accompanying person” can take a companion along. The ticket must be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

C. child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.3.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. with disabilities whose disability pass states that “the holder of this pass requires an accompanying person” can take a companion along. The ticket must be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

C. child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.3.3For trips to Switzerland

C. with disabilities whose disability pass states that “the holder of this pass requires an accompanying person” can take a companion along. The ticket must be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

C. child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.3.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. with disabilities whose disability pass states that “the holder of this pass requires an accompanying person” can take a companion along. The ticket must be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

C. child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.3.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. are not entitled to any discounts.

C.8.3.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. with disabilities whose disability pass states that “the holder of this pass requires an accompanying person” can take a companion along. The ticket must be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

C. child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.3.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. are not entitled to any discounts.

C.8.3.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. with disabilities whose disability pass states that “the holder of this pass requires an accompanying person” can take a companion along. The ticket must be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

C. child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. are no discounts for comfort tickets.

C.8.3.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. with disabilities whose disability pass states that “the holder of this pass requires an accompanying person” can take a companion along. The ticket must be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

C. child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.3.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. are not entitled to any discounts.

C.8.3.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. with disabilities whose disability pass states that “the holder of this pass requires an accompanying person” can take a companion along. The ticket must be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

C. child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.3.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. with disabilities whose disability pass states that “the holder of this pass requires an accompanying person” can take a companion along. The ticket must be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

C. child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.8.3.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. are not entitled to any discounts.

C.8.3.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. with disabilities whose disability pass states that “the holder of this pass requires an accompanying person” and passengers in a wheelchair can take a companion along. The ticket must be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

C. child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion only pays the reservation fee for the chosen travel category.

C. of a disability pass with the entry “assistance dog” accompanied by their assistance dog can book the mobility compartment on night trains.

C.8.3.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. with disabilities whose disability pass states that “the holder of this pass requires an accompanying person” can take a companion along. The ticket must be purchased in the country in which the disability pass was issued.

C. child under the age of 4 with a children’s ticket can take an accompanying person along.

C. companion receives a discount of 100 % on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.9Passengers with disabilities in wheelchairs

C.9.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs.

C. a train has wheelchair spaces only in 1st class, you pay the price of a single 2nd class Standard ticket for passengers.

C. will receive a discount of 100 % on Seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.9.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs.

C. will receive a discount of 100 % on Seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.9.3For trips to Switzerland

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs.

C. a train has wheelchair spaces only in 1st class, you pay the price of a single 2nd class Standard ticket for passengers.

C. will receive a discount of 100 % on seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.9.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs.

C. a train has wheelchair spaces only in 1st class, you pay the price of a single 2nd class Standard ticket for passengers.

C. will receive a discount of 100 % on Seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.9.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs..

C. a train has wheelchair spaces only in 1st class, you pay the price of a single 2nd class Standard ticket for passengers.

C. will receive a 100% discount on seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class on long-distance trains train category R and EC, as specified in SectionB.2.1.

C.9.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs.

C. will receive a discount of 100 % on Seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.9.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs.

C. a train has wheelchair spaces only in 1st class, you pay the price of a single 2nd class Standard ticket for passengers.

C. will receive a discount of 100 % on Seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.9.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs.

C. a train has wheelchair spaces only in 1st class, you pay the price of a single 2nd class Standard ticket for passengers.

C. will receive a discount of 100 % on Seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C. are no discounts for comfort tickets.

C.9.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. is no offer for this.

C.9.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.9.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs.

C. a train has wheelchair spaces only in 1st class, you pay the price of a single 2nd class Standard ticket for passengers.

C. will receive a discount of 100 % on Seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.9.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs.

C. will receive a discount of 100 % on Seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.9.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs.

C. will receive a discount of 100 % on Seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.9.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. of a disability pass with the entry “assistance dog” accompanied by their assistance dog can book the mobility compartment on night trains.

C.9.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. with disabilities in wheelchairs are all passengers who need wheelchairs.

C. a train has wheelchair spaces only in 1st class, you pay the price of a single 2nd class standard ticket for passengers.

C. will receive a discount of 100 % on Seat reservations for 1st and 2nd class, as specified in Section B.2.1.

C.10ÖBB business account

C.10.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. is no offer for this.

C.10.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 25% on a standard single ticket for adults with your ÖBB business account.

C.10.3For trips to Switzerland

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 10% on a standard single ticket for adults with your ÖBB business account.

C.10.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 10% on a standard single ticket for adults with your ÖBB business account.

C.10.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 10% on a standard single ticket for adults with your ÖBB business account.

C.10.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 10% on a standard single ticket for adults with your ÖBB business account.

C.10.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 10% on a standard single ticket for adults with your ÖBB business account.

C.10.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 10% on a standard single ticket for adults and a discount of 25% on comfort tickets with your ÖBB business account.

C.10.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. is no offer for this.

C.10.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.10.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 10% on a standard single ticket for adults with your ÖBB business account.

C.10.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. cross-border trips to Poland, Croatia and Romania, you will receive a discount of 10% on a standard single ticket for adults with your ÖBB business account.

C. will not receive a discount when travelling to Serbia.

C.10.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with an ÖBB business account pay a reduced price.

C.10.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 10% on a standard single ticket for adults with your ÖBB business account.


C.11.1Für Fahrten nach Deutschland mit der Deutschen Bahn

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. cross-border trips, dogs will receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.11.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. cross-border trips, dogs will receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.11.3For trips to Switzerland

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. cross-border trips, dogs will receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.11.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. CD trains, dogs can only travel in 2nd class.

C. cannot travel in sleeper cars on trains operated by CD.

C. cross-border trips on local trains in the train categories Os and Sp, dogs receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults. However, you must pay at least € 1.00.

C. all other trains, dogs receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.11.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed con-ainer.

C. cross-border trips on local trains in the train categories R (or without train category, only with train number) and ER, dogs receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults. You must pay at least € 1.00.

C. all other trains, dogs receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. trains operated by MAV and GYSEV, dogs can only travel in 2nd class.

C. cannot travel in couchette or sleeper cars on trains operated by MAY and GYSEV.

C.11.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. ZSSK trains, dogs can only travel in 2nd class.

C. cannot travel in sleeper cars on trains operated by ZSSK.

C. cross-border trips, dogs will receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults. You must pay at least € 1.00.

C.11.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. cross-border trips, dogs will receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults. You must pay at least € 1.00.

C.11.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. cross-border trips, dogs receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults and on comfort tickets.

C. IC buses, there is a special place for dogs located in the 1st class section. The adult accompanying a dog therefore also needs a comfort ticket for 1st class.

C.11.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. cross-border trips, dogs will receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.11.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. trips to South Tyrol with SAD, dogs are treated like adults.

C.11.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. cross-border trips, dogs will receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.11.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed con-tainer.

C. cross-border trips, dogs will receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C. Denmark you take one dog per paying traveler..

C.11.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. cross-border trips, dogs will receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults.

C.11.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. pay a reduced price.

C. you take your dog along, you book all the seats for an entire compartment, regardless of whether you take your dog along in a closed container or without a container.

C.11.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. customer group dogs includes all dogs not travelling along in a closed container.

C. cross-border trips, dogs will receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults. You must pay at least € 1.00.


C.12.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. cannot take S-Pedelecs along on trains operated by Deutsche Bahn.

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips, you pay a lump sum fee for bicycles.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.

C.12.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips, you pay a lump sum fee for bicycles.

C.12.3For trips to Switzerland

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips, you pay a lump sum fee for bicycles.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.

C.12.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips on local trains in the train categories Os and Sp, bicycles receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults. However, you must pay at least € 1.00.

C. all other trains, you pay a lump sum fee for cross-border trips with bicycles.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.

C.12.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. cannot take recumbent bicycles along on trains operated by MAV and GYSEV.

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips on local trains in the train categories R (or without train category, only with train number) and ER, bicycles receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults. However, you must pay at least € 1.00.

C. all other trains, you pay a lump sum fee for cross-border trips with bicycles.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.

C.12.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips, bicycles receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults. However, you must pay at least € 1.00.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.

C.12.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips, bicycles receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults. However, you must pay at least € 1.00.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.

C.12.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips, you pay a lump sum fee for bicycles.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.

C. cannot be taken along on our IC buses.

C.12.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips, bicycles receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults. However, you must pay at least € 0.80.

C.12.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips, bicycles receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults. However, you must pay at least €7.00.

C.12.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips, you pay a lump sum fee for bicycles.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.

C.12.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. with an internal combustion engine, bicycle trailers and box bicycles cannot be taken along on trains in the Netherlands.

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips, you pay a lump sum fee for bicycles.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.

C.12.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. Poland, S-Pedelecs and tandems are not allowed on trains.

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. cross-border trips, you pay a lump sum fee for bicycles.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.

C.12.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. include bicycles and electric bicycles with the following dimensions:

  • Bicycle length up to 185 cm
  • Bicycle height up to 110 cm
  • Bicycle width up to 60 cm
  • Wheel diameter up to 28 inches (74 cm)

C. bicycles, you pay a lump sum fee.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.

C.12.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. include:

  • Bicycles for one person
  • Electric bicycles for one person

C. timetable shows all trains on which you can take bicycles along.

C. the following cross-border trips, bicycles receive a discount of 90% on a standard single ticket for adults, subject to a minimum amount of €1.00:

  • On local trains operated by Meridian and BOB in Germany, as per Section C.12.2
  • On local trains operated by CD in the Czech Republic, as per Section C.
  • On local trains operated by MAV and Gysev in Hungary, as per Section C.
  • On trains operated by ZSSK in Slovakia, as per Section C.12.6
  • On trains operated by SZ in Slovenia, as per Section C.12.7
  • On trains operated by Micotra and FUC in Italy, as per Section C.12.9

C. all other cross-border trips, you pay a lump sum fee for bicycles.

C. reserve a space for your bicycles on long-distance and night trains. Without a reservation, we cannot transport your bicycle on these trains.


C.13.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips, groups receive a discount of 30% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.13.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips, groups receive a discount of 50% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.13.3For trips to Switzerland

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips, groups receive a discount of 30% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.13.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips, groups receive a discount of 30% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.13.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips, groups receive a discount of 30% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.13.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips, groups receive a discount of 35% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.13.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips, groups receive a discount of 30% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.13.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips, groups receive a discount of 30% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C. are no discounts for comfort tickets.

C.13.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips in 1st class, groups receive a discount of 20% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.13.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. South Tyrol, you are not entitled to a discount as a group.

C.13.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips, groups receive a discount of 30% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.13.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips to Belgium, groups receive a discount of 10% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C. cross-border trips to Denmark and the Netherlands, groups receive a discount of 20% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C. cross-border trips to Luxembourg, groups receive a discount of 30% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.13.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips to Poland, groups receive a discount of 20% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C. cross-border trips to Serbia and Romania, groups receive a discount of 30% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C. cross-border trips to Croatia, groups receive a discount of 40% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.13.14Für Fahrten mit den ÖBB Nachtreisezügen ins Ausland

C. are considered a group if you are at least 6 adults travelling together on the same route.

C. pay a reduced price.

C.13.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. group consists of at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route operated by the following railways:

  • On local trains operated by Meridian and BOB in Germany, as per Section C.13.2
  • On trains operated by CD in the Czech Republic, as per Section C.13.4
  • On trains operated by MAV and Gysev in Hungary, as per Section C.13.5
  • On trains operated by ZSSK in Slovakia, as per Section C.13.6
  • On trains operated by SZ in Slovenia, as per Section C.13.7
  • On trains operated by Micotra and FUC in Italy, as per Section C.13.9
  • To South Tyrol, as per Section C.13.10

C. groups receive the following discounts for the Austrian route section of cross-border trips:

  • 5 % for 2 to 9 persons travelling together
  • 30 % for 10 or more persons travelling together

C. all other railways, you are considered a group if you are at least 6 persons travelling together on the same route.

C. cross-border trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn as per Section C.13.1 and to Switzerland as per Section C.13.3, we offer groups a discount of 40% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C. cross-border trips to other countries, we offer groups a discount of 30% on a standard single ticket for adults or children.

C.14Railplus – Discount is offered only until 09 December 2023

C.14.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. European railway companies issue Railplus discount cards.

C. first and last day of validity is indicated on the card.

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.14.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. European railway companies issue Railplus discount cards.

C. first and last day of validity is indicated on the card.

C. cross-border trips between European countries, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.14.3For trips to Switzerland

C. is no offer for this.

C.14.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. European railway companies issue Railplus discount cards.

C. first and last day of validity is indicated on the card.

C. cross-border trips between European countries, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.14.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. European railway companies issue Railplus discount cards.

C. first and last day of validity is indicated on the card.

C. cross-border trips exclusively on local trains operated by MAV and GYSEV (train categories R [including without a category designation] and ER), you receive a discount of 0% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C. cross-border trips between European countries on other long-distance trains, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.14.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. European railway companies issue Railplus discount cards.

C. first and last day of validity is indicated on the card.

C. cross-border trips between European countries, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.14.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. European railway companies issue Railplus discount cards.

C. first and last day of validity is indicated on the card.

C. cross-border trips between European countries, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.14.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. European railway companies issue Railplus discount cards.

C. first and last day of validity is indicated on the card.

C. cross-border trips between European countries, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults and on comfort tickets with Railplus.

C.14.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. Micotra and FUC, you will not receive any discount with Railplus.

C.14.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. South Tyrol, you will not receive any discount with Railplus.

C.14.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. European railway companies issue Railplus discount cards.

C. first and last day of validity is indicated on the card.

C. cross-border trips between European countries, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.14.12For trips to Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. European railway companies issue Railplus discount cards.

C. first and last day of validity is indicated on the card.

C. cross-border trips between European countries, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.14.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. European railway companies issue Railplus discount cards.

C. first and last day of validity is indicated on the card.

C. cross-border trips between European countries, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.14.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. European railway companies issue Railplus discount cards.

C. first and last day of validity is indicated on the card.

C. cross-border trips between European countries, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.15Groups of school children

C.15.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. is no offer for this.

C.15.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. is no offer for this.

C.15.3For trips to Switzerland

C. is no offer for this.

C.15.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. are considered a group of school children if at least 15 school children up to the age of 19, one day before their 20th birthday, are travelling together.

C. will receive a special price for the Comfort ticket.

C. every 15 school children travelling together, one adult pays the same price as the students.

C.15.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. is no offer for this.

C.15.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. is no offer for this.

C.15.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. is no offer for this.

C.15.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. is no offer for this.

C.15.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. is no offer for this.

C.15.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.15.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. are considered a group of school children if at least 15 school children up to the age of 19, one day before their 20th birthday, are travelling together.

C. will receive a special price for the Comfort ticket.

C. every 15 school children travelling together, one adult pays the same price as the students.

C.15.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. is no offer for this.

C.15.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. of school children are groups consisting of at least 15 passengers in the age of up to 18, until one day before their 19th birthday. For every 15 passengers, one accompanying person can travel along at the same reduced rate. As proof, we need a list of names of the participating passengers confirmed by the school.

C. of school children pay a reduced price.

C. of school children buy a comfort ticket for the comfort categories seating carriage and couchette carriage.

C.15.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. are considered a group of school children if at least 15 school children up to the age of 19, one day before their 20th birthday, are travelling together, for:

  • For trips to the Czech Republic with CD as per Section C.15.4
  • For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation as per Section C.15.11

C. will receive a special price for the Comfort ticket.

C. every 15 school children travelling together, one adult pays the same price as the students.


C. are passenger cars according to Austrian road traffic regulations with and without trailers.

C. are those defined according to Austrian road traffic regulations with and without sidecar, as well as transportable special vehicles.


C. customer group includes all of our passengers holding an ÖAMTC club card.

C. receive a discount on the ticket offer comfort ticket for vehicles for the trains NJ 40420/40491.


C. customer group includes all of our passengers holding an ARBÖ club card.

C. receive a discount on the ticket offer comfort ticket for vehicles for the trains NJ 40420/40491.


C. customer group includes all of our passengers holding an ADAC club card.

C. receive a discount on the ticket offer comfort ticket for vehicles for the trains NJ 40420/40491.


C.20.1Bahncard 25

C.20.1.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. trips within Germany with state-owned (Deutsche Bahn, DB) and non-state-owned railways in tariff cooperation with DB in Germany, you will receive a discount. The discount amounts to 25% on a standard single ticket for adults in the respective comfort class of the Bahncard.

C.20.1.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. discount amounts to 25% on a standard single ticket for adults in the respective comfort class of the Bahncard.

C.20.1.3For trips to Switzerland

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.1.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.1.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.1.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.1.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.1.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults and on comfort tickets with Railplus.

C.20.1.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. is no offer for this.

C.20.1.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.20.1.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.1.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.1.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.1.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. with a Bahncard pay a reduced price for trips from and to Germany.

C.20.1.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.2Bahncard 50

C.20.2.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. trips within Germany with state-owned (Deutsche Bahn, DB) and non-state-owned railways in tariff cooperation with DB in Germany, you will receive a discount. The discount amounts to 50% on a standard single ticket for adults in the respective comfort class of the Bahncard.

C.20.2.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. discount amounts to 50% on a standard single ticket for adults in the respective comfort class of the Bahncard.

C.20.2.3For trips to Switzerland

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.2.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.2.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.2.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.2.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.2.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults and on comfort tickets with Railplus.

C.20.2.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. is no offer for this.

C.20.2.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.20.2.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.2.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.2.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.2.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. with a Bahncard pay a reduced price for trips from and to Germany.

C.20.2.15Für Fahrten in Österreich mit den ÖBB

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.3Bahncard 100

C.20.3.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. trips within Germany with state-owned (Deutsche Bahn, DB) and non-state-owned railways in tariff cooperation with DB in Germany, you will receive a discount. The discount amounts to 100% on a standard single ticket for adults in the respective comfort class of the Bahncard.

C.20.3.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. discount amounts to 100% on a standard single ticket for adults in the respective comfort class of the Bahncard.

C.20.3.3For trips to Switzerland

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.3.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.3.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.3.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.3.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.3.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults and on comfort tickets with Railplus.

C.20.3.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. is no offer for this.

C.20.3.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.20.3.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.3.12For trips to Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands and Denmark

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.3.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.20.3.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. with a Bahncard pay a reduced price for trips from and to Germany.

C.20.3.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. cross-border trips, you will receive a discount of 15% on a standard single ticket for adults with Railplus.

C.21Cruise transfer

C.21.1For trips to Germany with Deutsche Bahn

C. who embark on a cruise with MSC Cruises from the port of Rostock Warnemünde will receive a booking confirmation from their tour operator which al-lows them to purchase standard tickets at a fixed price.

C. trip can be made from any train station to Warnemünde via Passau and Jena.

C.21.2For trips to Germany with Meridian and BOB

C. is no offer for this.

C.21.3For trips to Switzerland

C. is no offer for this.

C.21.4For trips to the Czech Republic with CD

C. is no offer for this.

C.21.5For trips to Hungary with MAV and GYSEV

C. is no offer for this.

C.21.6For trips to Slovakia with ZSSK

C. is no offer for this.

C.21.7For trips to Slovenia with SZ

C. is no offer for this.

C.21.8For trips to Italy with ÖBB via Tarvisio

C. who embark on a cruise with Costa Cruises from the port of Venice will receive a booking confirmation from their tour operator which allows them to purchase standard tickets at a fixed price.

C. trip can be made from any train station to Venice.

C.21.9For trips to Italy with Micotra and FUC

C. is no offer for this.

C.21.10For trips to South Tyrol

C. is no offer for this.

C.21.11For trips to Italy with the DB ÖBB Brenner transport cooperation

C. who embark on a cruise with the Costa Cruises from the port of Venice will receive a booking confirmation from their tour operator which allows them to purchase standard tickets at a fixed price.

C. trip can be made from any train station to Venice.

C.21.13For trips to Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Romania

C. is no offer for this.

C.21.14For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. who embark on a cruise with Costa Cruises from the port of Venice will receive a booking confirmation from their tour operator which allows them to purchase standard tickets at a fixed price.

C. trip can be made from any train station at which night trains stop to Venice.

C. who embark on a cruise with MSC Cruises from the ports of Venice, Genoa or Hamburg will receive a booking confirmation from their tour operator which allows them to purchase comfort tickets at a fixed price.

C. trip can be made from any train station at which night trains stop to Venice, Milan or Hamburg.

C.21.15For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. who embark on a cruise with Costa Cruises from the port of Venice will receive a booking confirmation from their tour operator which allows them to purchase standard tickets at a fixed price.

C. trip can be made from any train station to Venice.

C. who embark on a cruise with Costa Cruises from the port of Venice will receive a booking confirmation from their tour operator which allows them to purchase standard tickets at a fixed price.

C. trip can be made from any train station to Warnemünde via Passau and Jena.

C.22Klimaticket Ö

C.22.1Klimaticket Classic

C.22.1.1For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with a Klimaticket Ö Classic pay a reduced price.

C.22.1.2For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Klimaticket Ö Classic, you will receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.22.2Klimaticket Classic Familie

C.22.2.1For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with a Klimaticket Ö Classic Familie pay a reduced price.

C.22.2.2For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Klimaticket Ö Classic Familie, you will receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.22.3Klimaticket Ö Jugend

C.22.3.1For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with a Klimaticket Ö Jugend pay a reduced price.

C.22.3.2For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Klimaticket Ö Jugend, you will receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.22.4Klimaticket Ö Jugend Familie

C.22.4.1For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with a Klimaticket Ö Jugend Familie pay a reduced price.

C.22.4.2For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Klimaticket Ö Jugend Familie, you will receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.22.5Klimaticket Ö Spezial

C.22.5.1For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with a Klimaticket Ö Spezial pay a reduced price.

C.22.5.2For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Klimaticket Ö Spezial, you will receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.22.6Klimaticket Ö Spezial Familie

C.22.6.1For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with a Klimaticket Ö Spezial Familie pay a reduced price.

C.22.6.2For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Klimaticket Ö Spezial Familie, you will receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.22.7Klimaticket Ö Senior

C.22.7.1For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with a Klimaticket Ö Senior pay a reduced price.

C.22.7.2For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Klimaticket Ö Senior, you will receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.22.8Klimaticket Ö Senior Familie

C.22.8.1For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with a Klimaticket Ö Senior Familie pay a reduced price.

C.22.8.2For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Klimaticket Ö Senior Familie, you will receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.22.9Klimaticket Ö Bundesheer

C.22.9.1For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with a Klimaticket Ö Bundesheer pay a reduced price.

C.22.9.2For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Klimaticket Ö Bundesheer, you will receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.

C.22.10Klimaticket Ö Zivildienst

C.22.10.1For trips with the ÖBB night trains to destinations abroad

C. trips between Austria and destinations abroad, passengers with a Klimaticket Ö Zivildienst pay a reduced price.

C.22.10.2For trips in Austria with ÖBB

C. a Klimaticket Ö Zivildienst, you will receive a discount of 100% on a standard single ticket for adults for the ÖBB route section.


E.1List of ÖBB night trains

E. 233 Vienna - Villach - Padova - Verona - Brescia - Milan - Genoa - La Spezia

E. 235 La Spezia - Genoa - Milan - Brescia - Verona - Padova - Villach - Vienna

E. 40236 Venice - Udine - Villach - Salzburg - Linz - Vienna

E. 294 Rome - Florence - Bologna - Villach - Salzburg - Munich

E. 295 Munich - Salzburg - Villach - Bologna - Florence - Rome

E. 471 Hamburg - Hanover - Freiburg - Basel - Zurich

E. 402 Zurich - Basel - Duisburg - Amsterdam

E. 403 Amsterdam - Duisburg - Basel - Zurich

E. 420 Innsbruck - Munich - Cologne - Amsterdam

E. 421 Amsterdam - Cologne - Munich - Innsbruck

E. 425 Brussels - Cologne - Frankfurt - Passau - Linz - Vienna

E. 446 Vienna - Arlberg - Feldkirch - Bregenz

E. 447 Bregenz - Feldkirch - Arlberg - Vienna

E. 456 Graz - Vienna - Wroclaw - Berlin

E. 457 Berlin - Wroclaw - Vienna - Graz

E. 464 Graz - Leoben - Feldkirch - Zurich

E. 465 Zurich - Feldkirch - Leoben - Graz

E. 466 Vienna - Linz - Buchs - Zurich

E. 467 Zurich - Buchs - Linz - Vienna

E. 468 Vienna - Strasbourg - Paris

E. 469 Paris - Strasbourg - Vienna

E. 409 Zurich - Basel - Freiburg - Leipzig - Berlin

E. 408 Berlin - Leipzig - Freiburg - Basel - Zurich

E. 490 Vienna - Linz - Passau - Hanover - Hamburg

E. 491 Hamburg - Hanover - Passau - Linz - Vienna

E. 40233 La Spezia - Genoa - Vienna - Villach - Bologna - Florence - Rome

E. 40235 Milan - Brescia - Verona - Padova - Salzburg - Munich

E. 236 Venice - Udine - Villach - Salzburg - Munich

E. 40294 Rome - Florence - Bologna - Villach - Vienna

E. 40295 Munich - Salzburg - Padova - Verona - Brescia - Milan - Genoa - La Spezia

E. 40420 Innsbruck - Munich - Hanover - Hamburg

E. 40421 Amsterdam - Cologne - Frankfurt - Passau - Linz - Vienna

E. 237 Stuttgart - Munich - Salzburg - Villach - Udine - Venice

E. 40466 Vienna - Linz - Salzburg - Villach - Udine - Venice

E. 470 Zurich - Basel - Freiburg - Hanover - Hamburg

E. 40490 Vienna - Linz - Passau - Frankfurt - Cologne - Amsterdam

E. 40491 Hamburg - Hanover - Munich - Innsbruck

E. 50490 Vienna - Linz - Passau - Frankfurt - Cologne - Brussels

E.2List of EuroNight partners

E. 40414 Zagreb - Villach - Feldkirch - Zurich

E. 40465 Zurich - Feldkirch - Villach - Zagreb

E. 40456 Graz - Vienna - Krakow - Warszawa

E. 407 Warszawa - Krakow - Vienna - Graz

E. 40462 Budapest - Zurich

E. 40467 Zurich - Budapest

E. 50462 Budapest - Munich - Stuttgart

E. 463 Munich - Budapest

E. 50467 Zurich - Feldkirch - Linz - Prague

E. 50466 Prague - Linz - Feldkirch - Zurich

E. 40237 Stuttgart - Munich - Salzburg - Ljubljana - Zagreb

E. 414 Zagreb - Ljubljana - Salzburg - Munich - Stuttgart

E. 60237 Stuttgart - Munich - Salzburg - Opatija - Rijeka

E. 480 Rijeka - Opatija - Salzburg - Munich - Stuttgart

E. 40476 Budapest - Bratislava - Berlin

E. 40457 Berlin - Bratislava - Budapest

E. 1152 Split - Graz - Vienna - Bratislava

E. 1153 Bratislava - Vienna - Graz - Split

E. 40458 Prague - Leipzig - Zurich

E. 40459 Zurich - Leipzig - Prague

E.3Contact in international carriage




a) Telefon
b) E-Mail
c) Fax



3062 (Adria-Verkehr)

Attica Group

Attica Group

123-125, Syngrou Avenue&3, Torva street.

GR - 11745 ATHENS

a) +30-210-89 19020
c) +30-210-89 19029




Bulgarische Eisenbahnen


Bulgarische Staatsbahn

Direktion Personenverkehr

3, Ivan Wazov


a) +359-2-988 5358
c) +359-2-981 8940

B & I Line




B & I Line

B & I Line plc.

Northwall, 12


a) +353-1-724711
c) +353-1-788266-113




Berner Alpenbahn -Gesellschaft

BLS Lötschbergbahn


Genfergasse 11

CH - 3001 BERN

a) +41-31-327-2727
c) +41-31-327-2910




Tschechische Bahnen AG

Tschechische Bahnen AG


Dept. Produkte und Verkauf

Nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody, 1222/12

CZ – 110 15 PRAHA 1

a) +420-9722-32 235
c) +420-9722-32365




Office des chemins de fer de l’Etat libanais et du transport en commun de Beyrouth et de sa banlieue

Office des chemins de fer de l’Etat libanais et du transport en commun de Beyrouth et de sa banlieue

Service de la comptabilité

Contrôle des recettes






Luxemburgische Eisenbahnen

Luxemburgische Eisenbahnen

Service des Activités Voyageurs

Activité Internationale

Place de la Gare, 9






Rumänische Eisenbahnen

Rumänische Eisenbahnen


Service Réglementations en Trafic International

Bd. Dinicu Golescu 38, Sector 1

RO-010873 BUCURESTI / Rumänien

a) +40-21-310 63 68
c) +40-21-310 63 68




Syrische Eisenbahnen

Chemins de fer Syriens

Direction Generale

B.P. 182

ALEPPO / Syrien

a) +963-21-213 9000 oder 9001
c) +963-21-222 5697 oder 8480




Irische Eisenbahnen

Coras Iompair Eireann

Irish Transport Company

Irish Rail Travel Centre

35 Lower Abbey Street


a) +353-1-703-4103




Portugiesische Eisenbahnen

CP-Longo Curso e Regional

Av. Infante D. Henrique, 73

P – 1900-263 LISBOA

a) +351-21-1021 258
c) +351-21-1021 296




Deutsche Bahn AG

DB Fernverkehr AG

Kundendialog International

Postfach 120655

D-10596 Berlin





Dänische Staatsbahnen

DSB Kundecenter

Kundeservice Udland

Postboks 340


a) +45 33533035 oder

+45 33533025


P & O European Ferries



P & O European Ferries Limited

Channel House

Channel View Road


a) +44-304-223000
c) +44-304-223223

FS Trenitalia



Italienische Eisenbahnen

Trenitalia S.p.A.

Divisione Passeggeri N/I

Internazionale Assistenza N/I

Viale dello Scalo San Lorenzo 16

I - 00185 ROMA





further Eisenbahn AG

Raab-Ödenburg-Ebenfurther Eisenbahn AG

Györ-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút

Mátyás kir.u.19

H-9400 Sopron

a) +36-99-517-365
c) +36-99-517-384





Hellenic Mediterranean


Hellenic Mediteranean Lines Co. Ltd.

4, Loudovikou Sq.

P.O.Box 80057

GR - 18510 PIRAEUS

a) +30-210-4225341
c) +30-210-4223018 oder




Kroatische Eisenbahnen

HZ –Putnicki prijevoz

PJ Daljinski prijevoz

Profitna jedinica Medjunarodni vlakovi

Mihanoviceva 12

HR - 10000 ZAGREB

a) 385-1-378-3022
c) 385-1-4577-604




Irish Ferries

Irish Ferries

(Irish Continental Line)

Merron Row, 2/4


a) +353-1-610714




Israelische Staatsbahnen

General Manager Israël Railways

Central Station, P.O.Box 18085

IL – TEL AVIV 61180

a) +972-3-693-7401
c) +972-3-693-7480




Irakische Eisenbahnen

Iraqi Republic Railways Establishment

Damascus Interlock


a) +9641-884-0450




Litauische Eisenbahnen

AB „Lietuvos Gelenžinkeliai“

Keleiviu vežimo direkcija

Pelesos g. 10










Bahnpersonenverkehrs AG

Ügyfélszolgálat (Kundendienste)

Kerepesi út 1-3


a) :+36-1-444-44-99
c) +36-1-511 2093




Mazedonische Eisenbahnen

Transport AG-Skopje

Mazedonische Eisenbahnen

Transport AG-Skopje

Direktion Tarifabteilung

Ul. treta makedonska brigada bb

1000 SKOPJE, Mazedonien

a) +389-2-2449 771
c) +389-2-3248 719




Nordirische Eisenbahnen

Northern Ireland

Railways Co. Ltd Central Station

East Bridge Street


c) +44-1-232-899401




Niederländische Eisenbahnen

NS Hispeed Klantenservice

P.O.Box 2552

NL - 3500 GN Utrecht





Norwegische Staatsbahnen

NSB Marked


Prinsensgt. 7-9

N - 0048 OSLO





Österreichische Bundesbahnen

ÖBB Kundenservice

Postfach 222

A - 1020 WIEN

a) +43-5-1717




Marokkanische Eisenbahnen

Office national des chemins de fer du Maroc

Direction Commerciale - Division Commerciale Voyageurs - Subdivision Affaires générales

Zankat Abderrahman El Ghafiki



a) +37-77-47-47




Hellenische Eisenbahnen AG

Hellenische Eisenbahnen AG

Direction Voyageurs

Département pour la Coopération Internationale

1 – 3 Rue Karolou

GR - 10437 ATHEN

a) +30-210-529 7633 oder +30-210-524 0996
c) +30-210-524 0996




Polnische Staatsbahnen AG


ul. Zelazna 59a

PL – 00-848 WARSZAWA





Eisenbahn der Republik Iran

Direction de l’Exploitation

Place du chemin de fer

Immeuble Chahide Kalantari







RENFE - Operadora


Alta Velocidad – Larga Distancia

Jefatura de G.Atención a Clientes

Avda. Ciudad de Barcelona 6

ES - 28007 MADRID


Sea France






Direction Passagers et Tourisme

1, Avenue de Flandre

F - 75019 PARIS

a) +33-1-49955890
c) +33-1-48747929




Schweizerische Bundesbahnen

Schweizerische Bundesbahnen

Division Personenverkehr

Kundenbeziehungen & Services



CH 3000 Bern 65





Schwedische Eisenbahnen

SJ AB Kundtjänst

Stationsgatan 4

SE - 775 50 Krylbo

b), click”in English/about SJ/feedback”




Silja Line AB

Silja Line AB

PL / PB / B.P. 880


a) +358-9-18041
c) +358-9-1804279




Belgische Eisenbahnen

SNCB Europe – Customer Relations

Avenue de la porte de Hal, 40

B - 1060 BRÜSSEL





Französische Eisenbahnen

SNCF – Régularité

14, place de la Gare

F – 14030 Caen CEDEX

For delay compensaion requests only/Nur für Anträge auf Entschädigung wegen Verspätung/ Pour les demandes de compensations retard uniquement




Französische Eisenbahnen

Service Relations Clients SNCF

F-62973 Arras Cedex 9

For other questions/Für sonstige Fragen/Pour tout autre motif

ST. L.



Stena Line

Stena Line

Hoek van Holland-Harwich

Postbus 2


a) +31-17-473944
c) +31-17-477046




Sealink Stena Line

Sealink Stena Line

Charter House - Park Street


a) +44-2336-47022





Serbische Eisenbahnen


SV Srbija Voz

Sektor za prevoz putnika

Nemanjina 6


a) +381-11-361-6761
c) +381-11-361-6797




Slovenische Eisenbahn

SZ-Slovenske zeleznice

PE Potniski promet

Sluzba za prodajo in tarife

Kolodvorska 11


a) +386-1-2914 161 oder 323
c) +386-1-2914 818




Türkische Staatsbahnen

TCDD – Isletmesi Geneni Müdürlügü

Ticaret Dairesi Baskanligi

06330 Gar


a) +90-312-3112106
c) +90-312-3109507




Schifffahrtsgesellschaft Viking Line

Viking Line Ab

PB 35


a) +358-18-26 011
c) +358-18-15 811




Finnische Eisenbahnen

VR Yhteyskeskus

VR Contact Center

Eteläinen Asemakatu 2 A

PL 488 (Vihonkatu 13)

FIN - 11130 Riihimäki





Eisenbahn Crne Gore

ŽPCG – Zeljeznicki Prevoz Crne Gore

Sektor za prevoz putnika

Golootočkih žrtava 13


a) +382-20-441-370
c) +382-20-441-370




Eisenbahnen der Föderation Bosnien-Herzegowina



Musala 2


a) +387-33-663 344
c) +387-33-652 396




Eisenbahnen der Republik Srpska

ZRS – Eisenbahn der Republika Srpska


Svetog Save 71

BA – 74000 DOBOJ





Eisenbahngesellschaft Slowakei AG

Železničná spoločnost’ Slovensko, a.s.

Kontaktné centrum

Polská 4 1

SK – 040 01 KOŠICE

a) +421-18 188